Awesome books is a basic HTML/JavaScript website to store books with input provided by the user using JavaScript classes and localStorage implementing ES6 syntax and modules
- JavaScript
This project features a basic implementation of a form to save user input in localStorage using plain JavaScript ES6 syntax and modules.
Clone this repository (you must have Git Installed)
git clone
Then, move to the newly created folder books_with_es6
using this command
cd books_with_es6
To open the project in Visual Studio Code type the following command inside the books_with_es6 folder
code .
In order to visualize the project in your browser either open the index.html file directly from the file explorer or consider using a live server for development
👤 Ronald Skinner
- GitHub: @rskinnerc
- Twitter: @XSkinner
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- To all my stand up teams, morning session groups and coding/learning partners
This project is MIT licensed.