
ZF2 module that allows automation of compiling your LESS with the bonus of minifying the files.

Primary LanguagePHP


ZF2 module that allows automation of compiling your LESS with the extra of minifying the files. A view helper is available which expects a .less file as a parameter and will compile and possibly minify it returning the filename of the compiled file.

Why JustLess?

First of all I like automating my workflow, if I can skip the step of compiling and minifying through automation then I will! Second of all, the existing modules that I found were entire Asset Managers, but all I wanted was LESS compilation and minification. That's why I made JustLess.


  • Compile LESS to CSS on the fly
  • Automatically minify the result
  • Compilated files are cached using file modified time.


  1. Add the module to your composer.json (or use composer cli)

    "require": {
        "rickkuipers/justless": "~1.0.0"
  2. Run composer update: php composer.phar update

  3. Enable the module in application.config.php

    return array(
      'modules' => array(
  4. Copy the file from /vendor/rickkuipers/justless/config/justless.global.php.dist to /config/autoload/justless.global.php

  5. Edit the config to match your preferred configuration

  6. Make sure the destination_dir is writable (chmod -R 0777 css/).


$this->less($file, $minify) first parameter is the .less file, second parameter is optional if you want to override the default configuration of minifying the css.

<link href="<?php echo $this->basePath($this->less('less/style.less')) ?>" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">