
Parsing .tiff Officer Evaluation Records into machine-readable text using pytesseract

Primary LanguagePython


OCR for Army Officer Evaluation Records

Useful links

Required file structure

├── README.md          <- The top-level README for users of this project.
├── data
│   ├── images         <- Put your OER images here.
│   ├── text           <- Text within images is saved here.
│   └── output         <- The final, structured json is saved here
└── src
    ├── extract_from_oer.sh             <- Creates json from one OER image.
    ├── extract_from_2_pg_oer.sh        <- Creates json from two OER images.
    ├── split_images.py                 <- Splits one image into two.
    ├── binarize_images.py              <- Binarizes images to black and white.
    ├── img_to_text.py                  <- Converts image text to .txt file.
    └── parse.py                        <- Structures key text fields into json.

How to use

  • git clone this repo
  • save any images of OERs into data/images/
  • cd into src
  • If one image with two pages (e.g. 2 pg pdf converted to .tiff)
    • Format must be name.extension
    • Call bash extract_from_oer.sh [filename.extension] [threshold]
  • If two images in two files
    • Format must be name.page1.extension and name.page2.extension
    • Call bash extract_from_2_pg_oer.sh [file1.extension] [file2.extension] [threshold]
  • Threshold is required for binarization of images into black and white

Order of executed scripts

  • split_images.py
    • Split multi-page image into separate images. (good if turned pdf > image)
    • python split_images.py [img_filename]
  • binarize_images.py
    • For making images more crisp
    • python binarize_images.py [theshold 0-255] [img_file1] [img_file2] [file3...]
  • img_to_text.py
    • Extract text from images with tesseract + python wrapper
    • Only include images/pages from same document (page 1 and 2 of OER)
    • python img_to_text.py [oer_img_page1] [oer_img_page2]
  • parse.py
    • Extract/clean raw text and ouput a json file
    • python parse.py [txt_filename]