
Post-phonescreen questions for people interviewing for frontend positions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Code Challenge

The starter application included has some signficant issues that make it not work correctly, and a few underdeveloped features. Your task is to fix any errors in the code already, and build some simple features to match the given requirements below.


  • Create a fork of this repository. All code changes should be made to your fork. If you'd rather not have a public fork, that's cool too. In that case please provide a zip of your solution, including the local .git folder, so that we can view your commit history!

  • As a user (here just a fake one) should be able to login, with my extremely secure password, 'password'. An email address should also be required, but any should work.

  • Once logged in, a user should be able to navigate to the Profile page, and update my name so that it appears on the home page instead of Test User

  • On the repository page (which should mount the Repositories component), a user should be able to enter text into a field in order to search for repositories on github.

    • These results should automatically populate (wihtout requiring a button press or enter keypress), however the request should only be sent when there's a lull in typing (rather than on every keystroke)
    • The results should be displayed as cards or a list, containing at least the following info:
      • Full name | description | Stargazers Count | Open issues Count | match score
    • Clicking the list or card of the item should change to a page /repositories/:id
  • The page /repositories/:id should show extra detail about a specific repository

    • This page should show the info from the card, as well as
      • link to the Repos Issues
      • link to the Repos Pull Requests
      • Display the license, if there is one, with it's name, spdx_id and url (if exists)
  • The app should strive to have high levels of accessibility, please take steps to enable where possible

  • Write production level code while completing this task. Please be sure to handle potential errors where necessary, remove any unncessary logs/debugger statements, etc


styled-components and react-router-dom are both added as dependencies already. No other packages should be added.

Any http requests should be handled using fetch.

Styles should be added using only styled-components.


You should not take more than 3 hours of time on this, even if you feel incomplete, that's fine. Your time is important, too! We'd rather see what you can accomplish in that timeframe, rather than what you can do in unlimited time


Please, answer the following questions in this readme, underneath the question

  1. Name a newer feature of javascript that you believe is extra useful, and discuss how you have used it in this project, or how you would use it if needed.

  2. What are 3 things you think React does very poorly? What tools do this better, if any?


When submitting, please send a link to your fork of this repository to matt@brace.ai.


Please, feel free to reach out directly with any questions you have about this project, or Brace in general, to matt@brace.ai.