
Demo of Bootstrap Blog - testing it with WebdriverIO / WebdriverCSS

Primary LanguageHTML

UI Testing - Built with Webdriver.io / Webdrivercss

WebdriverIO lets you control a browser or a mobile application with just a few lines of code. Your test code will look simple, concise and easy to read.


Selenium Standalone

Selenium drives the browser to run all the tests - we need this installed globally to run all the tests

npm install selenium-standalone@latest -g
selenium-standalone install
selenium-standalone start

Image Magick

Webdriver css uses Imagemagick to save images

brew install imagemagick --build-from-source

If the command fails - unlink jpeg and relink the file

brew install jpeg
brew unlink jpeg
brew link jpeg

In a new command line tab install / run seleninum standalone

selenium-standalone install
selenium-standalone start

Install NPM modules

npm install webdriverio webdrivercss --save-dev

This allows us to run webdriver and run our tests

All the tests are located in the /tests/visual.js file (this can be named whatever we want).

Run a test

Grunt has been updated to have the node command for running the tests.

grunt test

All your images will be saved inside the /tests/ folder under test-1 or diff-1. Currently we are only testing if there is navigation + hover state, the terms page content, etc.

Layout of a test

.webdrivercss('navigation', [ {name: 'desktop', elem: '.blog-nav', screenWidth: resolutions.slice(3,5)}])

Writing a new test

Coming Soon. In the meantime read the docs