
Query your local network for DLNA media renderers and have them play media

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


dlnacasts2 is a fork of grunjol's now abandoned dlnacasts. This version includes minor improvements, including the addition of setTimeout() to fix situations where a search would conclude before clients had an opportunity to respond.

Query your local network for DLNA media renderers and have them play media

API (and code) based on mafintosh/chromecasts for DLNA

npm install dlnacasts2


var dlnacasts = require('dlnacasts2')()

dlnacasts.on('update', function (player) {
  console.log('all players: ', dlnacasts.players)
  player.play('http://example.com/my-video.mp4', {title: 'my video', type: 'video/mp4'})


var list = dlnacasts()

Creates a dlna list. When creating a new list it will call list.update() once.


Updates the player list by querying the local network for DLNA renderer instances.

list.on('update', player)

Emitted when a new player is found on the local network

player.play(url, [opts], cb)

Make the player play a url. Options include:

  title: 'My movie',
  type: 'video/mp4',
  dlnaFeatures: "DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01100000000000000000000000000000", // this enables seeking in some dlna devices
  seek: seconds, // start by seeking to this offset
  subtitles: ['http://example.com/sub.vtt'], // subtitle track 1,
  autoSubtitles: true // enable first track if you provide subs

player.subtitles(track, [cb])

Enable subtitle track. Use player.subtitles(false) to disable subtitles


Make the player pause playback


Resume playback


Stop the playback

player.seek(seconds, [cb])

Seek the video


Get a status object of the current played video.

player.on('status', status)

Emitted when a status object is received.
