- 2
Cannot find module '../build/Release/canvas.node'
#192 opened by yashrajb - 3
Replace Node-Canvas with something else
#229 opened by wswebcreation - 2
- 0
Please push git tag for version v5.0.0
#230 opened by hashar - 0
Difference in state of checkbox or radio button not being detected as a mismatch
#228 opened by ecastor - 0
- 0
Photo Comparison
#225 opened by Proger33 - 0
FileReader is not defined
#224 opened by gattasrikanth - 5
Avoid installing canvas
#200 opened by Llorx - 1
Please upgrade canvas
#220 opened by dominykas - 0
Random compare output image
#219 opened by mspace - 2
- 0
ReferenceError on Image variable resemble.js
#217 opened by abonnet-pro - 1
- 5
Getting [object Event] error on complete
#214 opened by bpisano - 4
- 1
Compare from Image URL?
#212 opened by pietsteph - 1
Getting an error UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: ImageData expected with images of different width
#208 opened by ua834 - 1
- 1
data.misMatchPercentage returning undefined
#206 opened by csudarshan259 - 1
Storing image fingerprints for comparing later
#203 opened by Ravenglass - 2
Comparing two different images seems to fail
#205 opened by thathurtabit - 1
Be able to specify tolerance color values independently of the other `ignore` flags
#207 opened by gaitat - 1
- 3
- 1
CSP issue on browser webextensions
#201 opened by eugenioemmolo - 0
Strange comparison behavior
#196 opened by jefftung1991 - 1
how can i identify the vertical shifts ??
#197 opened by saravanatkumar - 1
Does this work with PNG?
#195 opened by mvsrgc - 1
Error : Cannot find module 'canvas'
#194 opened by MrWolf1sT - 1
#193 opened by BobCashStory - 1
is there a workaround this canvas bug?
#199 opened by mingfang - 1
Cannot find module 'resemblejs/compareImages'
#191 opened by yashrajb - 1
- 1
Can the 2 images have different colors in output
#186 opened by abhagupta - 1
Can we use this lib with Apache ?
#187 opened by mkubdev - 1
Error in isNode check
#184 opened by selsemore - 0
- 1
Difference image is not displayed only FireFox
#181 opened by seed-node - 7
- 1
(node:9280) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK]: Callback must be a function
#174 opened by xiaomizhou66 - 1
- 3
Update canvas dependency to support node v12
#176 opened by sasensi - 1
Original images in output diff
#179 opened by gaurav517 - 2
Option for multiple bounding and ignore boxes
#160 opened by ashwinmenkudle - 1
Core.js and resemble global var "collition"
#163 opened by webjohan - 1
Test various mobile device and browser
#166 opened by tuan91 - 1
Publish 3.0.1 tag
#167 opened by paladox - 1
- 2