
Python implementation of John Walker's ent program.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ENT in Python

Date: 2017-02-18
Author: Roland Smith


This is a partial Python port of the ent program by John "Random" Walker. My motivation for doing this is basically as a learning experience about randomness and algorithms.

It started out as a straight translation. But over time I replaced some of the algorithms by more Pythonic ones. The latest refactoring was to use numpy for handling the data. The fact that operators on numpy arrays act by element makes the algorithms simpler and more elegant.

A version that not requires numpy is contained in ent_without_numpy.py. It gives the same output, but is a lot slower.

Development is done on Python 3.9+.


Implemented are the calculation of:

  • entropy.
  • optimum compression,
  • arithmetic mean,
  • χ² distribution,
  • Monte Carlo value for π and
  • serial correlation coefficient.

The output format is slightly different.

> python3 ent.py test/random.dat
- Entropy is 7.999982 bits per byte.
- χ² distribution for 10485760 samples is 259.03, and randomly
  would exceed this value 41.80 percent of the times.
  According to the χ² test, this sequence looks random.
- Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.5116 (random = 127.5).
- Monte Carlo value for π is 3.139877754 (error 0.05 %).
- Serial correlation coefficient is -0.000296 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).

Next to normal text output, terse output is also implemented.

> python3 ent.py -t test/random.dat

The following will not be implemented;

  • handling input as bits,
  • printing occurrence counts,
  • folding upper/lowercase.


This repository contains different versions of ent:

  • ent.py uses numpy. This is the original and currently the fastest version. On my machine, it runs within 0.4 second on test/random.dat.
  • ent_without_numpy.py only uses modules from the standard library. This is approximately a factor of 9.5 slower than the numpy version.
  • A Makefile is provided that compiled ent_without_numpy.py with cython. (written for CPython 3.9 on UNIX) This is approximately 7× slower than the numpy version.
  • ent_decimal.py used Decimal numbers. Approximately 38× slower than the numpy version.


This program comes with a test suite, which requires py.test. To run the tests, use the command:

py.test -v test/*.py

Example output:

========================================== test session starts ==========================================
platform freebsd13 - Python 3.9.16, pytest-7.1.3, pluggy-1.0.0 - /usr/local/bin/python3.9
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /zstorage/home/rsmith/src/progs/ent
plugins: pylama-7.7.1, black-0.3.12
collected 12 items

test/test-numpy.py::test_size PASSED                                                              [  8%]
test/test-numpy.py::test_mean PASSED                                                              [ 16%]
test/test-numpy.py::test_entropy PASSED                                                           [ 25%]
test/test-numpy.py::test_chisquare PASSED                                                         [ 33%]
test/test-numpy.py::test_correlation PASSED                                                       [ 41%]
test/test-numpy.py::test_mc PASSED                                                                [ 50%]
test/test-without-numpy.py::test_size PASSED                                                      [ 58%]
test/test-without-numpy.py::test_mean PASSED                                                      [ 66%]
test/test-without-numpy.py::test_entropy PASSED                                                   [ 75%]
test/test-without-numpy.py::test_chisquare PASSED                                                 [ 83%]
test/test-without-numpy.py::test_correlation PASSED                                               [ 91%]
test/test-without-numpy.py::test_mc PASSED                                                        [100%]

========================================== 12 passed in 7.87s ===========================================