Arduino users! Would you like to configure and control your Arduino micro-controller without having to write a single line of Arduino sketch code and at the same time have access to a graphical user interface?
Scratch programmers! Would you like to control and communicate with an Arduino board using Scratch? Imagine, using Scratch to control physical devices such as LEDs, motors, and relays while monitoring devices, such as temperature sensors, potentiometers, and light sensors. What would you create?
s2a_fm is a Scratch hardware extension written in Python allowing Scratch and an Arduino micro-controller to communicate seamlessly.
Make sure you get the latest version of the Scratch Off-Line editor.
The current version of Scratch 2.0 does not properly restart a Scratch program when clicking the red stop button and pressing the green start flag again.
Workarounds: 1. Close Scratch and reopen it. 2. Click the When (Green Flag) Clicked block in the editor.