
Pipe programs through decrypt to make your boss think you are l33t

Primary LanguagePython


This program takes over the screen, prints flickering random characters and slowly makes the piped content (or input file) visible. Effectively, it does what hackers on tv-shows have.


Do this for example on Linux: tree ~/Downloads | ./decrypt.py

or jp2a my_favourite_cat.jpg --term-width | ./decrypt.py

On Mac: ls ~/Downloads -R | ./decrypt.py

Use case

Recover some friend's hard drive (i.e.: he destroyed his mbr). After the "hard" work has been done, act like you are having a hard time and run some of his personal files through this program and ask if he recognizes the content.

Awesomeness guaranteed.


Warning: keeps the entire input in memory and uses an O(n^2) algorithm. It is not efficient cpu/ram wise. Easy rewrite is possible but this is just for fun.


YouTube action shots - Thanks, Alex Willmer