
Simplifies building of WebAssembly modules in C/C++ and JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simplifies building of WebAssembly modules from C and C++

  • Handles compiling, linking and packaging of C and C++ WASM/JS projects
  • Zero dependencies -- portable single-file program
  • Includes rollup and uglify functionality, producing very small products


usage: wasmc [options] [<dir>]
usage: wasmc [-C <dir>] -T<tool> [<tool-arg> ...]
  -debug, -g       Disable optimizations and include data for debuggers.
  -watch, -w       Watch source files and rebuild as needed.
  -config <file>   Load config file from <file> instead of <dir>/wasmc.js
  -clean           Rebuild even when product and sources are up to date.
  -quiet, -q       Do not print information to stdout except for warnings and errors
  -help, -h        Show help message and exit
  -C <dir>         Change working directory; as if wasmc was invoked from <dir>.
  -T<tool>         Run <tool> instead of building. -T for list of tools.

  The module directory. Defaults to "." (dirname(<file>) with -config)


See the example directory for a complete example.

Input foo.c:

#include <stdio.h>
export void hello() {
  printf("Hello from wasm\n");

Input foo.js:

export const ready = Module.ready
export function hello() {
  _hello() // Call WASM function "hello"

Config file wasmc.js

  name:    "foo",
  out:     "dist/foo.js",
  jsentry: "foo.js",
  sources: "*.c",


$ wasmc

Generated dist/foo.js:

  "use strict";
  // -- emscripten bootstrap code here --
  exports.ready = Module.ready;
  exports.hello = function() {
})(typeof exports!='undefined'?exports:this["foo"]={})
//# sourceMappingURL=foo.js.map


$ node -e 'require("./out/foo.js").ready.then(m => m.hello())'
Hello from wasm

Configuration file

wasmc looks for wasmc.js in the project directory and evaluates it.

You can define modules (WASM products) and "libs" (collection of C and/or C++ files compiled with certain flags) in this file.

Building from source

npm install
  • Release product: wasmc
  • Debug product: wasmc.g
  • Build only the debug product: ./misc/build.sh -g
  • Build debug product while watching source files: ./misc/build.sh -w