
New methods to mitigate frequency biases in diffusion models

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Spectral Bias Experiments with Diffusion Models

We base our codebase on the codebase on a pre-existing one given below. The codbase here supports CIFAR10, MNIST but can be modified easily for any standard torchvision datasets that are downloadable. For intrinsically grayscale datasets eg FashionMNIST please refer to the MNIST preprocessing transform in any of the codes. Currently codes are provided for.

Mitigation methods

  • Reweighting temporal freqeuncy
  • MSE Loss in the frequency domain with reweighting.
  • MSE Loss in the frequency domain with n-step sampling + reweighting
  • MSE Loss in the frequency domain with n-step sampling (direct formula) + reweighting

Reweighting involves sampling during training from a bernoulli distribution that assigns equal probability to $[0,t_{max}]$ and $[t_{max},T]$ where $t_{max}$ is the maximum time possessing high frequency content (empirically chosen) we find that both $50,100$ work. For spectrum loss if the sampled time has high frequency information we calculate the loss between the spectrum of


Our implementation of the spectrum loss borrows directly from https://github.com/autonomousvision/frequency_bias

All mitigation codes are present in diffusion.py please refer to it for more details. For a fuller theoretical analysis please refer to the paper.

Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models [1].

This implementation follows the most of details in official TensorFlow implementation [2]. I use PyTorch coding style to port [2] to PyTorch and hope that anyone who is familiar with PyTorch can easily understand every implementation details.


  • Datasets
    • Support CIFAR10
    • Support LSUN
    • Support CelebA-HQ
  • Featurex
    • Gradient accumulation
    • Multi-GPU training
  • Reproducing Experiment
    • CIFAR10


  • Python 3.6

  • Packages Upgrade pip for installing latest tensorboard

    pip install -U pip setuptools
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download precalculated statistic for dataset:


    Create folder stats for cifar10.train.npz.

    └── cifar10.train.npz

Train From Scratch

  • Take CIFAR10 for example:
    python main.py --train \
        --flagfile ./config/CIFAR10.txt
  • [Optional] Overwrite arguments
    python main.py --train \
        --flagfile ./config/CIFAR10.txt \
        --batch_size 64 \
        --logdir ./path/to/logdir
  • [Optional] Select GPU IDs
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python main.py --train \
        --flagfile ./config/CIFAR10.txt
  • [Optional] Multi-GPU training
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python main.py --train \
        --flagfile ./config/CIFAR10.txt \


  • A flagfile.txt is autosaved to your log directory. The default logdir for config/CIFAR10.txt is ./logs/DDPM_CIFAR10_EPS
  • Start evaluation
    python main.py \
        --flagfile ./logs/DDPM_CIFAR10_EPS/flagfile.txt \
        --notrain \
  • [Optional] Multi-GPU evaluation
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python main.py \
        --flagfile ./logs/DDPM_CIFAR10_EPS/flagfile.txt \
        --notrain \
        --eval \

Reproducing Experiment


  • FID: 3.249, Inception Score: 9.475(0.174)

The checkpoint can be downloaded from my drive.


[1] Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models

[2] Official TensorFlow implementation