Simple library to make HTTP Mocks in Salesforce more readable by
- using a fluent API
- removing some of the boilerplate
private class MyApi_Test {
private static final PersonApi API = new PersonApi();
private static final Person JOE = new Person('joe');
private static final Person TIM = new Person('tim');
private static void multipleHttpMethods() {
// Setup
new HttpMock()
// different methods
.get('/v2/person/tim', TIM, 200)
.post('/v2/person/tim', true, 200)
// body conditions
.post('/v2/person/tim#"age":33', true, 200)
.post('/v2/person/tim#"age":null', false, 200)
// failures
.get('/v1/persons', false, 505)
.get('/v2/persons', new CalloutException())
// Exercise + Verify
System.assertEquals(true, API.updatePerson(new Person('tim')) );
System.assertEquals('tim', API.getPerson('tim').name);