
Rails asset wrapper for Trumbowyg

Currently tracking code as of this change.


  1. Configure your Gemfile to use this gem:

     gem 'trumbowyg_rails'
  2. Require the JavaScript files in app/assets/javascripts, after jQuery:

     //= require trumbowyg/trumbowyg

    Optional - Include any supported language packs from this list:

     //= require trumbowyg/langs/fr
  3. Require the Stylesheets in app/assets/stylesheets:

     *= require trumbowyg/trumbowyg

Update Instructions

In order to sync this repository with the upstream provider use the following workflow:

  1. Check out latest copy of parent repository

  2. Run npm install to install Trumbowyg dependencies

  3. Run gulp sprites to generate the sprite files

  4. Copy as follows from Trumbowyg => trumbowyg_rails

     /dist/ui/images/* => /vendor/assets/images/trumbowyg/images
     /src/ui/sass/* => /vendor/assets/stylesheets/trumbowyg
     /src/trumbowyg.js => /vendor/assets/javascripts/trumbowyg
     /str/langs/* => /vendor/assets/javascripts/trumbowyg