
Selenium SIDE file runner

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov

Getting started

pip install git+https://github.com/side-runner-py/side-runner-py.git
side-runner-py -h


Command-line argument Environment paramter Default Description
--webdriver-url SIDE_WEBDRIVER_URL 'http://webdriver:4444/wd/hub' URL of Selenium WebDriver
--test-file SIDE_TEST_FILE default.side Selenium IDE "SIDE" file-path pattern for testing
--http-proxy HTTP_PROXY '' Proxy settings within WebDriver
--https-proxy HTTPS_PROXY '' Proxy settings within WebDriver
--no-proxy NO_PROXY '' Proxy settings within WebDriver
--output-dir SIDE_OUTPUT_DIR ./output Test result output directory path
--desired-capabilities / -c SIDE_DESIRED_CAPABILITIES [] WebDriver's desired capabilities
--driver-retry-count SIDE_DRIVER_RETRY_COUNT 5 Driver initialize retry count
--driver-retry-wait SIDE_DRIVER_RETRY_WAIT 5 [sec] Driver initialize wait time
--driver-element-wait SIDE_DRIVER_ELEMENT_WAIT 10 [sec] Maximum wait time of element selection
--driver-command-wait SIDE_DRIVER_COMMAND_WAIT 0 [ms] Wait time between test commands
--hook-scripts-dir SIDE_HOOK_SCRIPTS_DIR 'hooks' Pre hook python script directory
--log-level SIDE_LOG_LEVEL 'INFO' Log level of 'logging' library
--close-method SIDE_CLOSE_METHOD 'close' WebDriver closing method ('close' or 'quit')

How to use hook

  1. Make a hook directory.
  2. Store hook script files into the hook directory.
  • the script file name must be *.py.
  1. Implement the hook script.
  • put a module global variable conditions.
    • it's type of dict.
    • it has some filters.
      • the key name format is test[_project|_suite|]_[ids|names]. (e.g. test_project_ids,test_suite_ids,test_names)
      • the value is a list of id or name.
      • or, test_command_[ids|types|indexes]. (e.g. test_command_types,test_command_indexes)
      • you can use the all match('*') instead of id or name but can not use glob pattern.
  • write some functions.
    • the function name format is [pre|post]_[project|suite|test|command]_run. (e.g. pre_suite_run,post_test_run,post_command_run)
    • the function may have arguments named test_project,test_suite,test,test_command.
      • they have current test details.
      • they are just objects in .side file.
      • the other objects are not passed except above.
    • the function may have arguments named test_command_index.
    • the function may have arguments named session_manager.
      • it's has Remove Webdriver named driver.
  1. Specify the hook directory as the argument of --hook-scripts-dir.