Error to transform shapfile to raster for interpolation
GuilhermeMassala opened this issue · 1 comments
GuilhermeMassala commented
Someone can help me with this problem?
limites <- shapefile("D:/Cursos/Kriging/Kriginh/164_MUNICIPIOS.shp")
r = raster::raster(limites, res = 10) # "res" definição da resolução dos pixéis
rp = raster::rasterize(limites, r, 0)
grid = as(rp, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
sp::proj4string(data) = CRS(proj4string(grid))
Error in .local(x, ...) : file.exists(extension(x, ".shx")) is not TRUE
rhijmans commented
You have an incomplete shapefile. This site is not for bug reports. You can use stackoverflow etc to ask for help.