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How to convert continuous values into factor values in RasterStack type raster data?
#335 opened by mengjiezhang4ds - 0
#334 opened by Nakakojinelson - 1
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Error using `compression` argument while writing a netCDF file (`writeRaster`)
#332 opened by elgabbas - 0
Is it possible to create a settings to make clusterR work with inDisk file
#331 opened by marcoaurelioguerrap - 2
writeRaster a RasterLayer object, Error in crs != "" : comparison (2) is possible only for atomic and list types
#330 opened by WDragon101 - 2
Mask function fail inside a for loop
#328 opened by rondon-d - 2
Bilinear resample is slow, and surprisingly faster than ngb (nearest neighbour).
#327 opened by gluijk - 3
Looking for non-existing metadata
#321 opened by emilio-berti - 2
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Error in locating/segmenting trees from vegetation subset and existing " unreadable" CHM with "no matching extents" (NA values)
#316 opened by colinfabre - 1
Rstudio abort when running "resample"
#322 opened by monviso - 4
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future of the raster package
#325 opened by benj919 - 2
Why can't I download cmip6_tile?
#324 opened by skmaharjan - 2
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.makeCRS() vulnerable to sp evolution status 2
#303 opened by rsbivand - 4
Reading of txt files for raster gives error: "Error in .rasterObjectFromFile(x, band Cannot create a RasterLayer object from this file."
#314 opened by LauraMWarmuth - 1
Error in reading shapefiles
#317 opened by sichuandiyishenqing - 1
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spLines: ids ordered as char
#312 opened by aloboa - 5
warnings appear in non-interactive mode
#310 opened by jszhao - 5
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RasterLayer has no values
#309 opened by millie-robson - 1
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Coordinates no longer appear on the map
#306 opened by armandosunny - 1
Progress bar not working
#305 opened by stschl - 4
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Conversion from categorical SpatRast loses levels
#304 opened by ailich - 4
Derived class loss of projection
#300 opened by bart1 - 1
raster package does not keep raster names when they are saved with writeRaster
#302 opened by sjevelazco - 2
Inherited method error when applying future_map (parallelization / future / furrr)
#299 opened by plnnr - 3
raster::crs results in error: NA
#298 opened by vheim - 2
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Different cell numbers output by extract() depending on value of parameter 'exact'
#295 opened by imprompt - 2
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Issue with projectRaster() when turning global lon/lat map into Mollweide projection
#294 opened by RS-eco - 11
projectExtent error after moving script from Win Desktop (terra 1.6-17) to Centos Cluster (terra 1.6-21) | input crs is not valid
#287 opened by jsacerot - 1
error in trying to use crop for a bounding box
#293 opened by dsteinke2017 - 0
worldclim server down
#292 opened by zzw0034 - 2
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writeRaster() does not follow "filetype= " argument with ".grd" file extension.
#288 opened by mmrgeodk - 2
How to use getData with CMIP6
#286 opened by maurobio - 1
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