
dumpenv: Dump values of the current Python environment

Primary LanguagePython


dumpenv: Dump values of the current Python environment



Sometimes source code works in one environment, but in a different environment it fails.

Same source code, but different results .... Hmm, there must be a differenence in the environment .... but what?

You can use this tool to dump a lot of values which influence the python interpreter.

Then you can use any diff tool (I like meld) to compare both environments.

At the moment these text files get created:

  • PATH
  • os
  • os_environ
  • pip_freeze
  • platform
  • site
  • sys
  • sys_path

I guess the above names do not need any explanation.

Above files get created in a temporary directory which roughly looks like this:


To make the diff easier to read $VIRTUAL_ENV and $HOME get replaced in the output.



user1@host1> dumpenv
Dumped environment to directory OUT1

user2@host2> dumpenv
Dumped environment to directory OUT2

me@pc> scp -r user1@host1:/tmp/OUT1/ tmp/
me@pc> scp -r user2@host2:/tmp/OUT2/ tmp/
me@pc> meld tmp/OUT1 tmp/OUT2

... Ah! Now you see the difference :-)


Call it from Python like this:

out_dir = dumpenv.create_data_and_dump_it()


Install from pypi:

pip install dumpenv

Use Cases

Use case 1: Your script works, but it does not, if called via unix cron. Run dumpenv via shell and via cron and compare the result.

Use case 2: Your code works via web (wsgi, django, ...) but it fails if you call it on the shell.

Use case 3: Your code works in the development environment, but not on the production server.


In my case Python scripts run in different environments:

  • called from PyCharm
  • called from Shell
  • called from Cron
  • called from wsgi/Django.
  • called from subprocess

My dream is that the environment from all above calls is equal.



Feedback is very welcome, please create an issue at github or write me an email.