Utilities for working with the NDI Wave motion capture system.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/rsprouse/ndiwave
Run setup:
cd ndiwave
python setup.py install
from ndiwave.controller import NDIWaveController
# Connect to RT Server on localhost (default), port 3030 (default).
# Use the `address` and `port` parameters of NDIWaveController()
# for non-default IP address or port.
c = NDIWaveController()
for fname in ['test1.csv', 'test2.csv']:
# Record for 30 seconds into a file named fname.
c.start_rec(fname, dur=30, units='seconds')
# Probably need to wait for dur here, or possibly poll the
# server to determine if it is still recording.
for fname in ['vartest1.csv', 'vartest2.csv']:
# Record for variable length into a file named fname.
# Do something for a while.
# Say goodbye to the server and close the socket.