Full time researcher working for a long time in the areas of AI,ML,NLP. Multiple patents. Educational youtuber
Pinned Repositories
In this notebook i implement clinical text classfication on the medical transcription dataset from kaggle
A BERT based solution to Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets Predict which Tweets are about real disasters and which ones are not ( Kaggle Getting Started Competition )
In this notebook i will be demonstarting Latent Dirchlet Allocation(LDA) for topic modelling. I will be using the Amazon fine food reviews dataset from Kaggle( for performing LDA based topic modelling I will be using the gensim package for LDA topic modelling and pyLDAvis for visualization of LDA topic model
In this repository I demonstrate how you can perform multimodal(image+text) search to find similar images+texts given a test image+text from a multimodal (texts+images) database . I use the Kaggle Shopee dataset. I use Tensorflow MobileNet CNN and hugging face sentence transformers BERT to extract image and text embeddings to create a joint embedding search space. Given an image and it text description I extract joint embedding and then use nearest neighbours algorithm to find top 5 similar images+texts description from my joint embedding search space
In this repository i explain how you can implement a text classifier on custom dataset using PyTorch
In this repository you will find a jupyter notebook for implementing a Neural Network based text classification using TensorFlow 2.1. I am specifically training a simple neural network based text classification model to classify sentiment of tweets . I will be using the tensorflow gpu version.
Let us look at how we can implement text classification with Tensorflow TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. The dataset is from the Tweet Sentiment Extraction challenge from Kaggle( We would implement text classification using a simple convolutional network developed using Tensorflow on tweet data to classify tweets as "positive","negative" or "neutral"
This repository explains how to create text classification models with spaCy3.0
rsreetech's Repositories
In this notebook i will be demonstarting Latent Dirchlet Allocation(LDA) for topic modelling. I will be using the Amazon fine food reviews dataset from Kaggle( for performing LDA based topic modelling I will be using the gensim package for LDA topic modelling and pyLDAvis for visualization of LDA topic model
In this repository i explain how you can implement a text classifier on custom dataset using PyTorch
Let us look at how we can implement text classification with Tensorflow TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. The dataset is from the Tweet Sentiment Extraction challenge from Kaggle( We would implement text classification using a simple convolutional network developed using Tensorflow on tweet data to classify tweets as "positive","negative" or "neutral"
In this notebook i implement clinical text classfication on the medical transcription dataset from kaggle
In this repository I demonstrate how you can perform multimodal(image+text) search to find similar images+texts given a test image+text from a multimodal (texts+images) database . I use the Kaggle Shopee dataset. I use Tensorflow MobileNet CNN and hugging face sentence transformers BERT to extract image and text embeddings to create a joint embedding search space. Given an image and it text description I extract joint embedding and then use nearest neighbours algorithm to find top 5 similar images+texts description from my joint embedding search space
A BERT based solution to Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets Predict which Tweets are about real disasters and which ones are not ( Kaggle Getting Started Competition )
In this repository you will find a jupyter notebook for implementing a Neural Network based text classification using TensorFlow 2.1. I am specifically training a simple neural network based text classification model to classify sentiment of tweets . I will be using the tensorflow gpu version.
This repository explains how to create text classification models with spaCy3.0
In this repository I will be explaining how we perform Custom Named Entity (Disease) Recognition in clinical text with spaCy v3 transformers in Python. I am using the latest version of spaCy v3.0 here. There are differences on the training method when compared to spaCy v2.0
Demo of sentence transformers(
This repository explains how to create text classification models with spaCy
Simple tf-idf tutorial
Abstractive text summarization with Google PEGASUS using HuggingFace Transformers
Text Summarization using spaCy or gensim in Python
Code for basic functionality Word2Vec model and how you can train your custom word2vec model using genism in python
This jupyter notebook explains how you can Transcribe a Youtube Video to text with Hugging Face Transformers wav2vec2 ,pytube,pydub,librosa libraries in Python
Demo of BERTopic for topic modelling
Placed here is code to perform text clustering on Covid 19 Cord Dataset
Starter code for KaggleCassavaLeafClassification with notebooks for training EfficientNet B3 Model and inference
I explain how to do some basic exploratory data analysis and visualization on text dataset using Python libraries
In this notebook i explain how you can use PyCaret library to perform classification on cardiovascular disease dataset
In this notebook I explain about scraping tweets using Twint Python library and an then performing sentiment analysis on tweets using hugging face transformers.
Demo of AutoViML auto ML tool
Demo of AutoViz( .Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code. AutoViz performs automatic visualization of any dataset with one line. Give any input file (CSV, txt or json) and AutoViz will visualize it.
In this notebook i explain how stemming and lemmatization can be performed with NLTK and spaCy libraries in Python
In this notebook i give a demo of sklearn ensembles
In this notebook I explore LUX( Lux is a Python library that facilitate fast and easy data exploration by automating the visualization and data analysis process. By simply printing out a dataframe in a Jupyter notebook, Lux recommends a set of visualizations highlighting interesting trends and patterns in the dataset. Visualizations are displayed via an interactive widget that enables users to quickly browse through large collections of visualizations and make sense of their data. I explore LUX for data visualization on the kaggle house prices dataset(