
Tracks packages deliveries, shipping information, and keeps track of a database of customers in relation to what packages they are shipping out for customers and employees.

Primary LanguagePython


Tech stack

ReactJS for the frontend Flask for the backend mysql for the database

How to install back end

Prerequisite: Python 3.5 or higher

  1. Install flask using pip with 'pip install Flask'
  2. Pip install the dependencies in app.py, inside of the backend folder.

Back end dependencies

Example: python3 -m pip module_name

  1. Flask==1.1.2
  2. Flask-Cors==3.0.10
  3. flask-mysql-connector==1.1.0
  4. Flask-MySQLdb==0.2.0
  5. mysqlclient==2.0.3
  6. numpy==1.20.2
  7. pandas==1.2.3
  8. protobuf==3.15.7
  9. python-dateutil==2.8.1
  10. pytz==2021.1
  11. six==1.15.0
  12. Werkzeug==1.0.1

How to run backend

  1. Run the backend use "python -m flask run" inside of the backend folder.
  2. You will need to be able to see app.py for this to work.
  3. The server should be connected to port 5000 on local host.

How to run front end

  1. Check node --version, Install node.js, Npx comes with it. https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Run "npm install" to install all dependencies
  3. Enter "npm start" to run the app locally where you can see app.js

How to use website

Now that you have front and backend talking to each other along with the database you can use the website.

How to log in

  1. The website logs in through authenticating with the dbms.
  2. username = moneybags@gmail.com password = krustyKrab the role Manager
  3. username = texassquirrel@gmail.com password = mammalsrule the role is Worker
  4. username = jerry90@gmail.com password = iamthebest the role is Customer