
This plugin enables parallel cross browser testing on multiple configurations.

Primary LanguageJava

Plugin : cucumber-parallel-xbrowser-testing

Latest Version : 0.0.7

Steps to execute this plugin :

STEP 1 : Include below mentioned dependencies and plugins in the pom.xml

Dependency : cucumber-parallel-xbrowser-testing
Plugin : cucumber-parallel-xbrowser-testing
	  // This is mandatory tag. Give the path of your 'xbrowser.template' file
	  // This is mandatory tag. Give the path of your feature files directory
	  // This is mandatory tag. Give the path of your config.xml file
	  // This is mandatory tag. Leave it empty if you are not using tags like <includedTags></includedTags>
	  // You can also use combinations of tags as well, as per the cucumber tags rules.
Plugin : build-helper-maven-plugin
Plugin : maven-failsafe-plugin

STEP 2 : Create config.xml file to provide the details of different configurations (OS/Browser) on which to execute plugin.

Change below tags and configurations according to your projects. You can provide as many configurations as you want to execute tests on different given configurations.


STEP 3 : Create xbrowser.template file which is exactly the replica of the test runner you want to run for each configuration

import io.cucumber.testng.AbstractTestNGCucumberTests;
import io.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptions;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import io.github.rsshekhawat.CreateTestRunners;

       features = {"FEATURE_FILES_PATH"},
       monochrome = true,
       tags = "FEATURE_FILES_TAGS",
       plugin = {"json:target/parallel-xbrowser/cucumber-report/TEST_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME.json"}
public class TEST_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {

   public void init() throws IOException {

   // This code section is not necessary to include
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       String directoryPath = System.getProperty("user.dir")+File.separator+"target"+File.separator+"parallel-xbrowser"+File.separator+"data";
       String filePath = directoryPath + File.separator + "TEST_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME.properties";
       PropFileHandler.filePath = filePath;
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // below function will set system properties to run this test runner on given configuration in config.xml
       new CreateTestRunners().setSystemVariables("TEST_RUNNER_CLASS_NAME.properties");

   public void closeSession(){

   // Write your own code to close the session as per your project
       Reporter.log("Closing browser",true);
       try {
       }catch(Exception exception){

STEP 4 : Execute plugin with mvn command

mvn clean verify