To help you with the pointless things you fuss over endlessly when formatting your clojure code.
Currently Fussbudget supports one command, Fussbudget::align()
, which properly lines up all the :refer
, :only
, and :as
lines in the current file's ns
definition, like this:
;; Before
(ns user
(:require [user.system :refer :all]
[example.system :refer [new-api-system]]
[ :refer [refresh]]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]))
;; After
(ns user
(:require [user.system :refer :all]
[example.system :refer [new-api-system]]
[ :refer [refresh]]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]))
Fussbudget defines no mappings, so use whatever you want. I use the following:
function! CleanupWhitespace()
exec ':%s/\s\+$//g'
catch "E486: Pattern not found: \s\+$"
autocmd Filetype clojure map <leader>c :call CleanupWhitespace() \| :call Fussbudget()<CR>