
Texture conversion/compression tool

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

RwgTex is commandline texture conversion tool used to generate compressed textures package for games.


  • batch-converts textures (the target is to generate whole game textures package with single call)
  • automatically rescales images to nearest Power-Of-Two
  • detect special file types (normalmaps, heightmaps) and use best looking compression and compressor for them
  • for textures with alpha channels, alpha is scanned to check if it can be represented with one bit (DXT1) or requires compression with gradient alpha (DXT5)
  • multiple threads to compress
  • supported input files: TGA, JPG, PNG
  • supported specific texture containers: SPR32, Quake 1 .BSP
  • textures read/export for .ZIP archives
  • wide range of options to get it run with particlular engine/mod
  • supported compression formats: DXT1-5, ETC1, ETC2, PVRTC
  • supported DXT swizzled formats: Doom 3 RXGB, YCoCg, YCoCg Scaled, YCoCg Gamma 2.0, YCoCg Scaled Gamma 2.0
  • support uncompressed BGRA DDS
  • saves a cache of files crc32 to check if they were modified (speeds up compression when run next time by only compressing files that was changed)


  1. rwgtex.exe <input_dir> <output_dir> Scan <input_dir> for tga, jpg, png, spr32 files and convert them to DDS to output dir. Also it will generate a filescrc.txt file holding crc32 sums for source files used to make DDS. So next time you will run RwgTex with this output folder it will only convert files that was changed.

  2. rwgtex.exe - If is file, it will convert it and place in same folder. If it's a directory, it will convert all files in it and place in dds/ subdirectory.

  3. Drag&drop files or directories to .exe (it actually launches method 1 or 2). Needs a codec to be forced (like, rwgtex-dxt.exe).

General options

Options to process files are stored in .ini file. For each particular engine opt files should be tweaked to match (basedir, what normalmaps name format is used, other tricks etc.), there can be several .ini files for different platforms.

Generic Commandline params

  • -dds : enforces DDS file creation
  • -ktx : enforces KTX (Chronos Texture) file creation
  • -nc : print no captions
  • -w : wait for key press once finished
  • -nw : don't wait for key press
  • -mem : show memory usage stats
  • -v : show verbose messages
  • -spac : solid pacifier prints (no line flush)
  • -c : compact mode (only generic prints)
  • -f : function mode (suppress any prints)
  • -cd X : change to this dir once started
  • -threads X : manually sets the number of threads
  • -opt X : load custom option file
  • -errlog : writes "errlog.txt" on error
  • -version : show version info

Compression Commandline params

  • -nv : use Nvidia DXTlib (deprecated to Nvidia Texture Tools) compressor
  • -nvtt : use Nvidia Texture Tools compressor
  • -gimp : use GIMP DDS plugin compressor
  • -crunch : use Crunch (CrnLib) compressor
  • -pvrtex : use PowerVR's PvrTex compressor
  • -ati : use ATI compressor
  • -etcpack : use EtcPack compressor
  • -rgetc1 : use Rg-Etc1 compressor
  • -etc2comp : use Google's Etc2Comp compressor
  • -bgra : forces BRGA 'Compressor'
  • -dxt1 : forces DXT1 compression
  • -dxt2 : forces DXT2 compression
  • -dxt3 : forces DXT3 compression
  • -dxt4 : forces DXT4 compression
  • -dxt5 : forces DXT5 compression
  • -etc1 : forces ETC1 compression
  • -etc2 : forces ETC2 compression
  • -etc2rgb : forces ETC2RGB compression
  • -etc2rgba : forces ETC2RGBA compression
  • -etc2rgba1 : forces ETC2RGBA1 compression
  • -pvr2 : forces PVRTC 2bpp compression
  • -pvr4 : forces PVRTC 4bpp compression
  • -rxgb : forces RXGB swizzled compression
  • -ycg1 : forces YCoCg swizzled compression
  • -ycg2 : forces YCoCg Scaled swizzled compression
  • -ycg3 : forces YCoCg Gamma 2.0 swizzled compression
  • -ycg4 : forces YCoCg Scaled Gamma 2.0 swizzled compression

Output generation Commandline params

  • -dds : use DDS file format
  • -ktx : KTX (Chronos Texture) file format
  • -ap X : sets archive internal path for ZIP file creation
  • -zipmem X : create ZIP file is memory (X is number of megabytes), makes compression of many files faster.
  • -2x : Scale texture by 2x before compression
  • -scaler x : Sets scaler for 2x scaling. Possible scalers: nearest, bilinear, bicubic, bspline, catmullrom, lanczos, scale2x (default), super2x (scale 4x with backscale to 2x using lanczos filter).
  • -nosign : disable DDS magic sign
  • -gimpsign : enables "GIMP-DDS" magic sign which makes generated swizzled DDS to be readable in GIMP

Trick: commandline params could be included to exe name, this way they become defaults. Example: rwgtex-ati-w.exe

Compression formats

DXT1 : DirectX Block Texture Compression (was S3TC) 4 bits per pixel, RGB DXT1A : 4 bits per pixel, RGBA with punch-through alpha DXT2 : 8 bits per pixel, RGBA, sharp alpha, color premultiplied DXT3 : 8 bits per pixel, RGBA, sharp alpha DXT4 : 8 bits per pixel, RGBA, gradient alpha, color premultiplied DXT5 : 8 bits per pixel, RGBA, gradient alpha
YCG1 : Swizzled DXT5 compression that uses YCoCg Colorspace better color quality than DXT5 but much worse alpha YCG2 : Swizzled DXT5 compression that uses YCoCg Colorspace with Scaling better color quality than YCG1, no alpha support YCG3 : YCG1 using Gamma 2.0 RGB colorspace better precision for dark colors YCG4 : YCG2 using Gamma 2.0 RGB colorspace better precision for dark colors
RXGB : Swizzled DXT5 compression used by Doom 3 green channel moved to alpha, used for normalmaps ETC1 : Ericsson Texture Compression, a part of OpenGL ES specification 4 bits per pixel, RGB ETC2 : ETC2 compression, a part of OpenGL ES/OpenGL 4.3 specification 4 bits per pixel, RGB ETC2A : 8 bits per pixel, RGBA ETC2A1 : 4 bits per pixel, RGBA with punch-through alpha EAC1 : 4 bits per pixel, alpha-only EAC2 : 8 bits per pixel, two channels (RG) PVR2 : PowerVR Texture compression, used in Apple devices : 2 bits per pixel, RGB PVR2A : 2 bits per pixel, RGBA PVR4 : 4 bits per pixel, RGB PVR2A : 4 bits per pixel, RGBA

Compression modes

  1. Default compressor. Use best speed/quality compressor for the current codec. For the DXT it's ATI Compressonator for color, NVidia Texture Tools for normalmaps For ETC1/ETC1 it's Google's Etc2Comp For PVRTC it is PowerVR TexTool
  2. "ATI" - AMD's The Compressonator tool. Supported compressions: DXT1-5, RXGB, YCG1-4
  3. "NV" - NVidia DXTlib compressor. Supported compressions: DXT1-5, RXGB, YCG1-4 Now deprecated to NVidia Texture Tools (all options is keeped for compatibility reasons).
  4. "NVTT" - NVidia Texture Tools. Supported compressions: DXT1-5, RXGB, YCG1-4
  5. "CrnLib" - Crunch Library. Supported compressions: DXT1-5, RXGB, YCG1-4
  6. "PvrTex" - PowerVR's PvrTex tool. Supported compressions: PVR2, PVR2A, PVR4, PVR4A, DXT1-5, RXGB, YCG1-4, ETC1
  7. "RgEtc1" - Fast, high quality ETC1 compression tool Supported compressions: ETC1
  8. "EtcPack" - Official ETC/ETC2 compression tool Supported compressions: ETC1, ETC2, ETC2A, ETC2A1, EAC1, EAC2
  9. "Etc2Comp" - Google's ETC/ETC2 compression tool Supported compressions: ETC1, ETC2, ETC2A, ETC2A1, EAC1, EAC2
  10. "Gimp DDS" - GIMP DDS plugin Supported compressions: DXT1-5, YCG1-4
  11. "BGRA" - simple tool that write 32-bit BGRA files Supported compressions: none

Trick: .ini file have params to set compression mode on a per-file basis using name masks.

Known issues

  • Archives larger than 2GB are not supported
  • When using archives, file cache are not supported
  • DXT2/DXT4 cannot be represented by KTX format without additional key-pairs (they are used to be 'swizzled' format)

Version History + Changelog


  • Major improvements for better compression ratio/quality tradeoff (see below).
  • New image parameters to check in file include/exclude lists ([discard], [input], [nomip], [is_normalmap], [scale] et cetera): width, height, srgb (0/1), type=glowmap, type=glossmap.
  • New operators for file include/exclude lists:

    = - greater or equal; <= - lesser or equal; !>= - not greater or equal (exclude operator); !<= - not lesser or equal (exclude operator);

  • Improved compression error visualisation (-tek ,-tae options),
    1. now using sRGB-based perceptural model
    2. calculates average error, dispersion, round mean square.
  • New "-stat filename" option, which writes CSV file of compression statistics.
  • New compression error parameters to check in file include/exclude lists error - average error (use =, >=, <=, !=, !>=, !<= operators); dispersion - average dispersion; rms - round mean square; This currently works only in [discard] CODEC section. Once given, this parameters lets rwgtex to calculate compression errors and discard compression if image, forcing fallback codec. This can be used to force textures with many compression errors to be stored in uncompressed BGRA.
  • Concantenation of rules in file include/exclude list. Example: type=color &&rms>=10 this will make a solid rule (type EQUAL color AND rms GREATER_OR_EQUAL 10).


  • Project moved to MSVS 2015
  • NvDxtlib support removed (conflicts with MSVC 2015 runtimes)
  • New tool: NVidia Texture Tools (NvTT), improved version of NvDxtLib
  • NvTT now wraps NvDXTlib options and code (for compatibility reasons)
  • New superb ETC2 compressor: Google Etc2Comp! Good quality ETC2 with reasonable speed!
  • Bump PvrTexTool: version is now 4.13.0 (fixes some bugs and improves PVRTC compression)
  • Fixed PVRTC 2bpp compression crash
  • Win32 build: now supplied with 2 new dll's: nvtt.dll, PVRTexLib.dll


  • Internal bugfixes release


  • Internal bugfixes release


  • Added support for ETC compression using etcpack.
  • New compressor: ETCPack
  • New keys: -etcpack, -etc1, -etc2, -etc2a, -etc2a1, -eac1, -eac2
  • New options: force_etc1, force_etc2, force_etc2am force_etc2a1, force_eac1, force_eac2


  • Added support for YCoCg Scaled and Unscaled compression (DXT5 with RGB converted to YCoCg colorspace, color component stored in alpha, optional color scaling (normalizing image to 0-255 space). New general options: force_ycg1, force_ycg2 (file masks). New commandline parm: -ycg1, -ycg2.
  • New DXT compressor from GIMP DDS Plugin, can compress DXT1, DXT3, DXT5 and YCoCg/YCoCg Scaled.
  • Added DDS magic signs support. A sign is two DWORDS forming 8-char comment string to be included in DDS headers. New general options: sign, signword. New keys: -nosign (disables sign, generate pure DDS), -gimpsign (makes GIMP-DDS sign which makes generated YCG1/YCG2 DDS to be readable in GIMP)
  • Added 4x scaling. This is done by double applying 2x scale filter. Each pass can have its' own scale filter (by default second scaler = first scaler). This feature adds new commandline params: -4x and -scaler and also new exe-name switches: -4x -2bilinear, -2bicubic, -2bspline, -2catmullrom, -2lanczos, -2scale2x, -2super2x. Not that first scaler always set the second scaler. So second scaler keys must be after first one (-2x-nearest-2bilinear is correct). New option groups: scaler2 and scale_4x. For 4x scale, the power-of-two rescale is applied on second pass.


  • Added support for Doom 3 RXGB compression (DXT5 with Red channel being stored in Alpha). New general options: normalmapcompression (default, rxgb), force_rxgb (file masks). New commandline parm: -rxgb.
  • Added channel weights for normalmap compression with ATI Compress.
  • Fixed color swapping bugs
  • "-scaler" commandline parm implemented
  • "-nm" commandline parm implemented - forces texture to be compressed as normalmap


  • Can generate ZIP files in memory (speeds up compression with thousands of input files, threading likes it too)
  • Fixed bug with JPG files conversion


Initial release