
resources_controller rails plugin: rc makes RESTful controllers fun

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


is a plugin to facilitate inheritance and DRYness in your resources controllers. It introduces some abstraction to help you override the default RESTful funtionality in a clean and simple manner.

See History.txt for recent changes.

Rails 3 version

Add this to your Gemfile

gem 'resources_controller', :git => 'git://github.com/ianwhite/resources_controller'

Or install as a plugin

rails plugin install git://github.com/ianwhite/resources_controller


Github for code: github.com/ianwhite/resources_controller

Rdoc.info docs: rdoc.info/github/ianwhite/resources_controller/master/frames

Google group for questions: groups.google.com/group/resources_controller

Lighthouse for bugs: ianwhite.lighthouseapp.com/projects/10598-resources_controller

Blog articles: blog.ardes.com/resources_controller

RailsConfEurope presentation files: en.oreilly.com/railseurope2008/public/schedule/detail/3536

for rails 2.x

use the rails2 branch: github.com/ianwhite/resources_controller/tree/rails2

Specs and Coverage

  • The SPECDOC lists the specifications

  • Coverage is 100% (C0), and the spec suite is quite comprehensive

  • Rspec’s generated rspec_scaffold controller specs are tested against a simple rc controller (see rake spec:generate)

How to contribute

If you have found a bug, or have a new feature, then spec’d code is great.

To get set up and run the tests

git clone git://github.com/ianwhite/resources_controller
cd resources_controller
rake spec:all


The following people have made contributions to resources_controller. Please let me know if I’ve missed you out.

  • Andrew Bloomgarden

  • Chris Hapgood

  • Jason Lee

  • Richard Hooker

  • Matt Mower

  • Inviz

  • Dan Kubb

  • Rein Henrichs

  • Tom Stuart

  • Joel Chippindale

  • Tim Pope

  • Tom ten Thij

  • Sergei Serdyuk


Copyright © 2007-2009 Ian White, MIT License