
The code that powers www.ubyssey.ca

Primary LanguageCSS

Ubyssey Dispatch Theme


Docker Instructions

Mac Instructions

Windows Instructions


Once you have your local environment configured, follow these steps to start the server for development:

New way with Docker

navigate to your ubyssey-dev directory.

  docker-compose up

If on linux you may need to run the above command with sudo

That should be it, happy hacking!

Old way without Docker


# Start the MySQL server
mysql.server start

# If that doesn't work, try:
brew services start mysql

# Activate your virtualenv (if you're using one)
cd ubyssey-dev
source bin/activate

# Run the server!
cd ubyssey.ca
python manage.py runserver

# In a separate terminal tab, start the gulp process. It will watch for changes to the source files and automatically re-build the static files during development.
cd ubyssey.ca/ubyssey/static/


First, make sure your MySQL server is running!

# Activate your virtualenv (if you're using one)
cd ubyssey-dev

# Run the server!
cd ubyssey.ca
python manage.py runserver

# In a separate command prompt window, start the gulp process. It will watch for changes to the source files and automatically re-build the static files during development.
cd ubyssey.ca/ubyssey/static/