
Portfolio Project 4 - YooMoov Van Hire App

Primary LanguagePython

Project Name - YooMoov



Purpose and target audience

YooMov is a website for people and businesses looking to hire a van and a driver to move belongings from one location to another. An administrator can create different types of van listings in different locations, which will be displayed to a user on the front end.

A website visitor can search for van types in various locations using a filter, they can open up a detail page about each van, they can read some reviews from other customers and they can book a date for the van, or they can send an email via a contact form if they have any questions.

The user can register and log in to their User Dashboard to view, edit or delete their bookings and they can also leave feedback for any bookings that have been completed.

The administrator will receive an email notification any time there is a new booking or a change to a booking, prompting them to change the status of the booking, from pending to approved or to completed. They can also review and approve feedback before it is published live on the front end.

Goals for the first time user

  1. To have an intuitive website with straightforward navigation that is fully responsive.
  2. To be able to easily understand the services that are being offered, and to easily find what they are looking for through a handy search filter box.
  3. To be able to easily create a user account, leading to a user dashboard to display bookings and feedback.
  4. To be able to easily edit and delete bookings while in Pending or Approved status.
  5. To prevent booking past dates and to prevent double bookings.
  6. To get email notifications of any changes to a booking.
  7. To be able to sort and filter the bookings on their dashboard.

Goals for the returning user

  1. To have all bookings are in one place, which can be easily edited.
  2. To be able to leave feedback after the Booking has been completed.

Goals for the Administrator

  1. To have a familiar branded admin area to add van listings, manually add a booking, and update the status of bookings and feedback.
  2. To receive email notifications whenever there is a new or updated booking.
  3. To revert the status back to Pending, whenever there is any change to a booking by the user, until the administrator has reviewed it.
  4. To keep feedback that is left in a Pending and unpublished state until reviewed by the administrator.

Goals for the site owner

  1. To have a site that has the ability to scale and grow nationwide, that can handle more listings.
  2. To have a feedback module, displayed to users on each van detail page that encourages good service and future bookings.
  3. To have an easy user interface that will encourage users to return and make use of the services in the future.


Agile Approach

From the start the project was managed using GitHub Projects (View Here - ensure labels are activated), using an agile approach.

  • The project goals were broken into epics, which were broken into user stories with acceptance criteria and individual tasks.
  • Each user story was allocated a certain number of story points based on a rough estimation of time to complete the work.
  • This allowed me to create a roadmap with milestones and target dates. View Roadmap Here(ensure milestone and start date markers are activated)
  • Each User Story was assigned a label according to the MoSCoW system so I could prioritise the work.


The initial wireframes were created in Balsamiq to understand how the site would work, and this layout would drive User Stories, the logic required and overall design artwork decisions.

The final app deviated slightly in a couple of areas as improvements were made while the site was being built and user functions could be tested. The dashboard was completely redesigned towards the end of the project to give a better user experience on mobile devices.

Click to View More Wireframe Images -
  • There were 13 Epics created from Project Concept to Project Submission.

  • There were 29 User Stories Created including:

    1. USERSTORY(# 1): Gather General Requirements and visual layout
    • As a developer, I can see how the site should be laid out so that the functionality can be developed incrementally.
    1. USERSTORY(#2): Initial Django project setup
    • As a developer, I can access the initial project files in my developer environment, and deploy to Heroku, so that I can resolve any deployment issues early on.
    1. USERSTORY(#3): Create bootstrap template
    • As a developer, I can deploy a basic site design so that it meets the minimum viable requirements.
    1. USERSTORY(#4 ): Bootstrap Navigation Breadcrumbs
    • As a website user, I can easily navigate the website so that I can find what I need.
    1. USERSTORY(#5 ): Create Van Model
    • As an admin user, I can create Van details in the admin area so that they populate fields on the front end template.
    1. USERSTORY(#6 ): Search for van types
    • As a website user, I can use the Van Finder to display a list of vans by size, location or county.
    1. USERSTORY(#7): Display Van detail
    • As a website user, I can read more detail about a van so I can book or enquire.
    1. USERSTORY(# 8): Create SuperUser Account
    • As an admin user, I can login into the admin area so that I can manage website content.
    1. USERSTORY(#9): Customise admin area branding
    • As an admin user, I recognise the admin area has the same look and feel as the front end, for continuity purposes.
    1. USERSTORY(#10 ): User Registration
    • As a website user, I can register, login and log out to view my dashboard.
    1. USERSTORY(# 11 ): Create Booking Model
    • As an admin user, I can create Booking details in the admin area so that I can make a booking over the phone.
    1. USERSTORY(#12 ): View Bookings on User Dashboard
    • As a logged-in user, I can view any bookings I have made in a list on my Dashboard.
    1. USERSTORY(# 13): Create Booking on User Dashboard
    • As a logged-in user I can create a booking from a listing page, which will appear on the user's dashboard.
    1. USERSTORY(#14 ): Edit Booking on User Dashboard
    • As a logged-in User, I can edit the booking details from the Dashboard so I can make any changes.
    1. USERSTORY(#15 ): Delete booking on user dashboard
    • As a logged-in User, I can delete the booking details from the Dashboard.
    1. USERSTORY(#16): Create Feedback Model
    • As an admin user, I can add and view Feedback details in the admin area and approve feedback for display on the relevant detail page.
    1. USERSTORY(# 17): Feedback option after booking completion
    • As a logged-in user who has made a booking, I can leave feedback using the feedback button next to the booking on my Dashboard.
    1. USERSTORY(#18 ): User can see their feedback on their dashboard
    • As a logged-in user, I can see all the feedback I have left for other bookings on my Dashboard.
    1. USERSTORY(#19): Send an email to the admin via the contact form
    • As an admin user, I can receive an email with the details from the contact form, so I can follow up with the customer.
    1. USERSTORY(#20 ): Send booking email notifications
    • As a user, I can receive an email notification when the booking has been created, approved, updated or deleted, so I can manage the booking in my account.
    1. USERSTORY(#21 ): Admin to receive email notifications when feedback has been created
    • As an admin user, I can receive an email notification when a user creates feedback.
    1. USERSTORY(# 22): User to receive email when feedback has been approved by admin
    • As a user, I can receive an email notification when my feedback has been approved.
    1. USERSTORY(#23 ): Onscreen notification when logged in or out
    • As a user, I will see an on-screen notification to let me know I have logged in or logged out.
    1. USERSTORY(#24): Menu Bar notification when the User is logged in
    • As a logged in user, I will see a welcome message on the navbar and a logout link.
    1. USERSTORY(#25 ): Create user story tests
    • As a developer, all user story tests will pass, so that I can be certain the site functions as intended.
    1. USERSTORY(# 26): Test Html, CSS, JS, Python, Lighthouse
    • As a developer, all code will pass through validation tools to identify any issues, errors or non-conformance.
    1. USERSTORY(# 27): Create Automatic unit tests
    • As a developer, I will write some automatic unit tests for the purpose of demonstrating competence.
    1. USERSTORY(# 28): Final Deployment
    • As a developer, I will ensure the final project is fully deployed to Heroku so that it matches the development project.
    1. USERSTORY(#29): Final Checks
    • As a developer, I will complete the final checks to ensure all criteria for the project have been met before submission.


    The database schema and website logic was conceived and created using Lucid as follows:

    1. Website Flow:
    1. Database Structure:

    Color Scheme

    An orange color scheme (created in Canva) was chosen because it's associated with optimism and energy, many brands use orange to convey a message of positivity. Many marketers use orange to get an audience excited about something because it is an attention-grabbing, warm color that really pops.

    I created the logo in Canva using royalty-free images to create the distinct cow icon so there could be a play on the word YooMoov (You Moove) and chose a complimentary color palette.

    Click to View More Color Scheme Images

    With a color palette in mind, I could create a project style guide:


    Stock Images were sourced from:

    1. Hero Photo by Bernard Foss:.
    2. Stock van images by Canva Pro.
    • I used Canva to build the initial designs, which was the basis for finding a suitable bootstrap template that could help me achieve the look and feel as easily as possible.
    Click to View More Canva Mockup Images


    • I found a bootstrap layout called Lumiafrom bootsrapmade.com which aligned closely with the layout I needed.
    • I kept the default Google font of Raleway and sans serif.


    Using the GitHub project board I was able to prioritise user stories to give me an MVP incrementally.

    1. I built the front end as a static website first.
    2. I developed the Django admin area so an administrator could manage the site.
    3. I built User CRUD functionality next via their dashboard.
    4. I configured on-screen notifications to give feedback to the user.
    5. I built a feedback mechanism - first for the administrator, and then for front-end users.
    6. I configured email notifications to alert the user and the administrator.


The following features have been implemented:

  1. Fully responsive website consisting of:
  • Home.
  • Services.
  • All Vans Page.
  • Vans Finder Filter to search by Size, Location or County.
  • Van detail page.
  • Contact form that sends an email to the admin user.
  • User Dashboard with CRUD functionality to manage bookings and add feedback.
Click to View Features Images -
  1. UX features include:
  • Ability for users to filter bookings by Order Updated, Required date, pending or Approved
  • Status of Bookings including Pending, Approved and Completed that is controlled by the administrator.
  • Ability for users to leave feedback after a booking has been completed.
  • Status of feedback prevents publishing until approved.
  • Pagination to ensure listings are organised
  • Social Media Links and Back to top button for easy site navigation.
  • Onscreen alerts and success messages appear.
  • Register, Login and Logout forms for streamlined user authentication.
  • Email notifications sent to both the user and administrator.
  • Favicon included for site identification.
  • Breadcrumb navigation.
  • Dynamic user navigation.
  • Custom branding in the administration area.
Click to View UX Features Images -


Various validation methods have been incorporated:

  1. Onscreen Confirmation, when logging out, updating or deleting a booking.
  2. Onscreen Success / Error after creating, editing, deleting, logging in or out.
  3. Date validation to prevent booking a past date.
  4. Form validation to ensure fields are completed where required or the correct format is needed such as for email addresses.
  5. No Data to Display - message
  6. Error redirection - using custom error handlers
Click to View Validation Images


The site has been built with the following tech and tools:

  1. HTML5.
  2. CSS.
  3. JavaScript.
  4. Python.
  5. Django - database framework.
  6. Jinja - HTML logic rendering for dynamic content.
  7. ElephantSQL - database hosting.
  8. Cloudinary - media hosting.
  9. Bootstrap 4.
  10. JQuery.
  11. GitHub Projects - agile management, kanban, roadmap and milestones.
  12. GitHub Repo - code storage.
  13. Git - version control.
  14. GitPod & VS Code - IDE.
  15. Heroku - live site hosting.

Tools used


  • font-awesome - icons.

  • bootstrap-made - HTML and CSS templates.

  • allauth - sign-up and login.

  • cripsy forms - improved form styling and validation.

  • django.core.mail - sending email.

  • django.messages - success and alert bootstrap messages.

  • django.core.paginator - pagination.

  • datetime - handling date and time fields.

  • timezone - handles naive datetime.

  • login_lequired - auth decorators used for the dashboard views.

  • django.test - for running automated tests.

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Tests performed

The site was thoroughly tested during development with each feature tested before committing to GitHub. The testing regime included the following:

  1. Incremental testing.
  2. Early user observation test.
  3. Manual user story tests.
  4. HTML, CSS, JSHINT, PYLINT, Lighthouse.
  5. Browser Compatability tests.
  6. Django Automated Testing using Unittest

User Story Tests

Each user story was tested manually according to a structured test sheet VIEW IT HERE:, with results being recorded and any failures rectified.

Bugs resolved:

The following bugs were recorded and rectified See test sheet

  1. Colors were inconsistent on the website - CSS was updated according to the style guide. (Test No: YM10801)
  2. Breadrcumbs were missing on Contact and Delete page - code was added on these templates. (Test No: YM10802)
  3. The validation used to prevent creating a double booking on the same day, affected the Edit Booking function. The clean method on the Booking form was modified to check and remove the current booking - allowing the same form to be used for creating and updating bookings. (Test No: YM10812)
  4. Emails were not sent in the development environment due to GitPod's security policy. Email config was set to display in the terminal for testing purposes. Updated for production. (Test No: YM10805)
  5. No dynamic username in the nav bar when logged in - updated base.html with {{ user }}(dashboard). (Test No: YM10822)
  6. When testing for browser compatibility, there were numerous AnonymousUser errors on different browsers. This was rectified by adding a login_required decorator on the dashboard view. (Test No: YM10824)
  7. The Hero image did not display when deployed - resolved by changing the background image link to the Cloudinary link. (Test No: YM10801)
  8. The Van finder prevented the user from selecting all, resolved by removing the disabled attribute and adding a value="" to each (All) option. (Test No: YM10804)
  9. There were several issues configuring emails. Initially, I had set up a yoomoov@outlook.com account to send from which successfully sent emails but was unable to receive a copy of the email - which was an important part of the admin's email notification user story. I resolved this by creating a Sendgrid account and using yoomoovyoo@gmail.com which sucessfully sent emails and could receive a copy to the same address. For this project the admin's email has been set up with this Gmail address, however, this can be changed by the superuser to whatever email they wish to receive notifications.
  10. On final testing, the date_updated date was not updating, this was resolved by updating the Bookings model super save method to trigger the date_updated field, each time a change was made.
  11. A tiny horizontal scroll was noticed on the dashboard, this was resolved by moving the pagination code for the bookings and feedback, inside their respective containers.

Unresolved bugs:

There are no unresolved bugs.

Improvements and future developments:

The following items have been identified for future development:

  1. Create Model for services so they can be updated through the admin panel - enhances administrator experience.
  2. Create Model for locations so they can be updated through the admin panel - enhances administrator experience.
  3. Generate slug automatically - prevents spelling errors - enhances administrator experience, and SEO.
  4. Build a fully functioning front-end Admin Dashboard with full functionality and dynamic drop-downs - prevents spelling errors and enhances the administrator experience.
  5. Dynamic Dependant Filter for Van Name, Size, location and County in the booking form and Van Finder form - enhances user experience by not allowing selections that have no content.
  6. Dynamic Date selector on Booking Form where dates are shown as unavailable - enhances user experience.
  7. Enhance User model to allow a profile section on User dashboard to capture first name, last name and phone number - enhances User booking experience.
  8. Configure Social account sign-on - enhances user login experience.
  9. Configure Password reset - enhances user login experience.
  10. Create Filters and Folders for the Dashboard so bookings can be archived rather than deleted.
  11. Add a dynamic meta description for each page - enhances SEO.
  12. Add additional unit tests to cover the entire project - increases project robustness.
  13. Address the naive datetime warnings displayed on the unittests - allows for international use.
  14. Create separate apps for bookings, feedback and vans - for separation of concerns and improved organisation.
  15. Optimise images to address Lighthouse Performance report.
  16. Improve email templates for notification emails, and improve the email-sending program.


I deployed the site right from project inception using this helpful Code Institute Django Deployment Guide. The summary of the steps in this document is as follows:

  1. Install Django and supporting libraries
  2. Create an external database on Elephantsql
  3. Setup Cloudinary to store media and static files
  4. Create the Heroku App
  5. Update database details in project settings
  6. Add Config Vars in Heroku
  7. Connect GitHub repo to Heroku as the deployment method
  8. Setup media, static and templates folders in project
  9. Create proc file
  10. Commit to GitHub
  11. Deploy branch in Heroku and check
  12. For reference the deployed site is here:

Once the project was deployed, development took place on GitPod using the CI Gitpod Full Template and the local server accessed by typing "python3 manage.py runserver". Email settings used during development, to view emails in the terminal were as follows:

  • EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'

On completion of development, the following steps took place to deploy the final site to Heroku:

  1. Update requirements.txt
  2. Set "DEBUG = False" in project settings
  3. Update Email Config Settings to SMTP server
  4. Commit changes and push to GitHub
  5. Check the Auto Build progress in Heroku or use the manual "Deploy Branch" button on the Deploy page.


You can create a copy of a GitHub Repository without affecting the original by forking it. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Log into GitHub or sign up for an account.
  2. Go to the YooMoov Repository URL.
  3. Click "Fork" on the right side of the repository's page to create a copy in your own repository.

To clone a copy:

  1. Go to the YooMoov Repository URL.
  2. Click the green code button, then the arrow, and select the "clone by https" option to copy the URL.
  3. Open your preferred code editor and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
  4. Type 'git clone', paste the copied URL, and press enter. The repository will then be cloned to your machine.


The following precautions were taken regarding the security of the site:

  1. An env.py was created at the start of the project, and added to .gitignore, to contain the following:
  1. These values were added to the Config Vars section of Heroku's Settings page.
  2. Heroku is configured with 2FA




I used the following resources to help develop features and functionality:

  1. allauth.
  2. messages.
  3. alerts.
  4. save().
  5. LoginRequiredMixin.
  6. datepicker.
  7. Django CRUD Functions.
  8. DateInput Widget.
  9. clean_date_required().
  10. queryset api.
  11. sending email.
  12. Testing in Django.



  • Logo was custom designed for this project.

  • Cow icon - Royalty free from Canva Pro.

  • Van Services pics - Royalty free from Canva Pro.

  • Van on Location pics - Royalty free from Canva Pro.

  • Hero Image - Bernard Foss:

  • Icons - font awesome.

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  • Thanks to my original mentor Spencer Barriball for his initial assistance.

  • Thanks to my second mentor Mitko Bachvarov for his helpful suggestions and review.

  • Thanks to Sean Murphy at Code Institute for your guidance on automatic testing.

  • Thanks to Sean Knowles for helping me keep perspective.

  • Special thanks to Jeffrey Frankfort for putting up with me during the difficult moments, your support was unwavering!

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