
Android resource binding for Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin


Android resource binding for Kotlin

class TestView(context: Context) : View(context) {
    private val color: Int by bindColor(R.color.test_color)
    private val dimen: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.test_dimen)
    private val dimenPx: Int by bindDimenPixelSize(R.dimen.test_dimen)
    private val string: String by bindString(R.string.test_string)

These methods are available on subclasses of Activity, View, Dialog, DialogFragment, Fragment, the support library Fragment, the support library DialogFragment, and recycler view's ViewHolder

class TestResourceable(private val context: Context) : Resourceable {
    private val color: Int by bindColor(R.color.test_color)
    private val dimen: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.test_dimen)
    private val dimenPx: Int by bindDimenPixelSize(R.dimen.test_dimen)
    private val string: String by bindString(R.string.test_string)

    override fun getContext(): Context = context

Classes that implement Resourceable can also use bind methods


In root build.gradle at the end of repositories

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Add the dependency in app build.gradle

dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.rstanic12:Resourceful:1.1.1'