
NRM Build and Deployment on OpenShift4

Table of Contents

NRM MetaBase

Templates for deployment of MetaBase, used within Natural Resources Ministries and ready for deployment on OpenShift. MetaBase is an open-source Clojure / JavaScript application with a PostgreSQL relational database for persistent data.


Network Security Policy is in place, for example:

oc -n 599f0a-dev process -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BCDevOps/platform-services/master/security/aporeto/docs/sample/quickstart-nsp.yaml NAMESPACE=599f0a-dev | oc -n 599f0a-dev create -f -

Secret exists to allow pull from DockerHub, for example:

oc -n 245e18-tools create secret docker-registry docker-pull-passthru \
    --docker-server=docker-remote.artifacts.developer.gov.bc.ca \
    --docker-username=default-245e18-xxxxxx \
    --docker-password=xxxxxx \

oc -n 245e18-tools secrets link default docker-pull-passthru
oc -n 245e18-tools secrets link builder docker-pull-passthru

For builds:

  • Administrator access to an Openshift Project namespace

Once built, this image may be deployed to a separate namespace with the appropriate system:image-puller role.

For deployments:

  • Administrator access to an Openshift Project namespace
  • the oc CLI tool, installed on your local workstation
  • access to this public GitHub Repo

Once deployed, any visitors to the site will require a modern web browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, FF, Opera etc.).



Custom Image

Dockerfile, referencing http://downloads.metabase.com/${METABASE_VERSION}/metabase.jar where ${METABASE_VERSION} is customizable.

For example:

oc process -n $TOOLS -f ./ci/openshift/metabase.bc.yaml -p METABASE_VERSION=$METABASE_VERSION -o yaml | oc apply -n $TOOLS -f -


Database Deployment

Deploy the DB using the correct BI parameter (e.g. an acronym that is prefixed to -metabase):

> oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p NAME=${BI}-metabase

All DB deployments are based on the out-of-the-box OpenShift Database Image.

Application Deployment

Deploy the Application specifying:

  • the feedback-specific parameter (i.e. ${BI}-metabase)
  • your project namespace that contains the image, and
  • your project namespace into which the app will be deployed, and
  • a @gov.bc.ca email account that will be used with the apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca SMTP Email Server:
oc -n $PROJECT new-app --file=./ci/openshift/metabase.dc.yaml -p IS_NAMESPACE=${TOOLS} -p NAME=${BI}-metabase -p ADMIN_EMAIL=${ADMIN_EMAIL} -o yaml | oc apply -n ${PROJECT} -f -

Initialize MetaBase installation

Navigate the GUI to configure the initial configuration:

Database type: PostgreSQL
Host: ${BI}-metabase-postgresql
Database name: ${BI}-metabase
Usename: <from secret>
Password: <from secret>

Navigate the Adnin Menu (Admin -> Settings -> General)

Site URL: https://
SMTP HOST: apps.smtp.gov.bc.ca
SMTP Security: None
From Address: 
LDAP HOST: idir.bcgov
USER FILTER: (&(|(sAMAccountName={login})(mail={login})))

Using Environmental variables to deploy

As this is a template deployment, it may be easier to set environment variable for the deployment, so using the same PROJECT of 245e18-dev and a new BI project of test:

Deployment Steps

Set the environment variables

On a workstation logged into the OpenShift Console:

export TOOLS=245e18-tools
export PROJECT=245e18-dev
export BI=test
export METABASE_VERSION=v0.39.4


oc process -n $TOOLS -f ./ci/openshift/metabase.bc.yaml -p METABASE_VERSION=$METABASE_VERSION -o yaml | oc apply -n $TOOLS -f -

Database Deployment

oc -n ${PROJECT} new-app --file=./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml -p NAME=${BI}-metabase
--> Deploying template "245e18-dev/nrms-postgresql-dc" for "./ci/openshift/postgresql.dc.yaml" to project 245e18-dev

     * With parameters:
        * Service Name=test-metabase
        * Memory Limit=512Mi
        * PostgreSQL Connection Password=FmoBavwEMKkD11oS # generated
        * Database Volume Capacity=2Gi

--> Creating resources ...
    secret "test-metabase-postgresql" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "test-metabase-postgresql" created
    deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "test-metabase-postgresql" created
    service "test-metabase-postgresql" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose service/test-metabase-postgresql' 
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Application Deployment

export ADMIN_EMAIL=Gary.T.Wong@gov.bc.ca

oc -n $PROJECT new-app --file=./ci/openshift/metabase.dc.yaml -p IS_NAMESPACE=${TOOLS} -p NAME=${BI}-metabase -p ADMIN_EMAIL=${ADMIN_EMAIL} -o yaml | oc apply -n ${PROJECT} -f -

Log into the MetaBase app

After thirty seconds, you may navigate to the setup page at: ${BI}-metabase.apps.silver.devops.go.bc.ca

When finished, remember to unset the environment variables:



  • To login into the OpenShift database, start the DB pod terminal (via OpenShift Console or oc rsh) and enter:
  • To clean-up database depoyments, when using environment variables:
  oc -n ${PROJECT} idle ${BI}-metabase-postgresql
  oc -n ${PROJECT} delete secret/${BI}-metabase-postgresql svc/${BI}-metabase-postgresql pvc/${BI}-metabase-postgresql dc/${BI}-metabase-postgresql
  • To clean-up application depoyments, when using environment variables:
oc -n ${PROJECT} delete  secret/${BI}-metabase-secret svc/${BI}-metabase route/${BI}-metabase dc/${BI}-metabase
  • For local environment, run UID="$(id -u)" GID="$(id -g)" docker-compose up

    To clean up local persistent data, rm -rf postgresql/data/*

    To log into local containerized database:

    docker-compose exec -u postgres db
    psql -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}


  • test out LDAP settings
  • check for image triggers which force a reploy (image tags.. latest -> v0.19.0)