
This repo contains a demo app and scripts to get started with Vault

Primary LanguageShell

Vault - Getting Started Demo

TODO: Update Support Links for the Service Definition and further how-tos and workshops

This demo is intended for BCGov Development Teams on the OpenShift Silver or Gold Service Clusters that have read through the Vault Service definition, and wish to confirm Vault is functioning as expected in their namespaces.

Generating Deployment Manifests for Testing

  1. Set Required Environment Variables

    export LICENSE_PLATE=<your project set license plate here>
    export CLUSTER_NAME=silver #gold, and golddr are also supported options
  2. Generate Deployments

    Run the create-manifests.sh script to generate 4 deployment manifests in the same directory with the following names:

    tools, dev, and test will use Vaults $LICENSE_PLATE-nonprod Mount Point and Role.

    • vault-$LICENSE_PLATE-tools.yaml
    • vault-$LICENSE_PLATE-dev.yaml
    • vault-$LICENSE_PLATE-test.yaml

    prod will use Vaults $LICENSE_PLATE-prod Mount Point and Role.

    • vault-$LICENSE_PLATE-prod.yaml
  3. Verify the words LICENSE, CLUSTER, MOUNT_ENV, and ENV have been replaced in the 4 files.

Apply and Verify the Deployment Works in each Environment

oc apply -f vault-$LICENSE_PLATE-$ENV

Note: It is recommended to start with the tools. Once the pod is up, you would see an init container called vault-agent-init that authenticate and pull the secret from Vault server for your app container(s).

$ oc get pods
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
vault-test-7c6cd9f45f-n4dnt   1/1    Running   0          1d

Verify the Pod Logs are outputting world

$ oc logs deployment/vault-test -c vault




View the Injected Secrets Template (Optional)

Grab the pod name from oc get pods

$ oc rsh -c vault vault-test-7c6cd9f45f-n4dnt 
$ cat /vault/secrets/helloworld


Clean Up!! - Let's not waste log space

oc delete -f vault-$LICENSE_PLATE-$ENV

Assuming your logs look similar to those shown above your project set is configured and setup for integrating Vault with your Applications! 🎉

Advanced usages

You can use Vault injector annotations to further configure the sidecar container specs. For example, you tune the resource specification with annotations like vault.hashicorp.com/agent-limits-cpu: 10m. Here is the full list of injector annotations.


For information on Vault and for getting Vault support from the community check out #devops-vault on RocketChat!