
Contracts for Cindicator ICO

Primary LanguageShell


cindicator Ethereum smart contracts

Mainnet addresses:

Contribution: https://etherscan.io/address/0xc22462d4bc50952b061c9e6c585fdd9a04d0d75a#readContract

CND Token: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd4c435f5b09f855c3317c8524cb1f586e42795fa

Tier-1: https://etherscan.io/address/0x0cf3da2058c228328a2427abbcb25f3dc5c14db3

To Run tests:

yarn test

To Deploy in mainnet:

  1. Change
const FOUNDERS_WALLET_ADDRESS = "0x0039F22efB07A647557C7C5d17854CFD6D489eF3";
const BOUNTY_WALLET_ADDRESS = "0x321";

in migration_file

  1. Change parameters for Tier1 in migration_file

  2. Specify network in truffle.js

  3. Run

yarn truffle migrate --network mainnet
  1. Run solidity_flattener for every contract to flatten them out.

  2. Use output from migration script for encoded params in order to verify contracts on etherscan.io

  3. Enjoy!

Encoded buy method to use for crowdsale:

0xa6f2ae3a used from: web3 1.0 version:

      "constant": false,
      "inputs": [],
      "name": "buy",
      "outputs": [],
      "payable": true,
      "type": "function"
    }, [])