
Haxe externs for working with node.js

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Haxe Node.JS


Extern type definitions for Node.JS version 0.12.0 and Haxe 3.2+.

Haxe-generated API documentation is available at http://haxefoundation.github.io/hxnodejs/js/Node.html.

Original node.js documentation can be found at http://nodejs.org/api/index.html.


  • Full node.js API with documentation.
  • Strict typing for everything, fully leveraging Haxe type system.
  • Optionally typed event listeners.
  • Automatic insert of "require" statements for used modules.
  • Clean output.


class Main {
    static function main() {
        var server = js.node.Net.createServer(function(socket) {
            socket.write("Echo server\n\n");
        server.listen(1337, "");

Generated JavaScript:

(function () { "use strict";
var Main = function() { };
Main.main = function() {
	var server = js_node_Net.createServer(function(socket) {
		socket.write("Echo server\n\n");
var js_node_Net = require("net");


This library is currently at beta stage, testing and contributions are welcome. See current issues and extern guidelines. After it's finished, it will either be included in Haxe standard library or released as a separate haxelib.

Requires Haxe 3.2RC1 or later (builds available at http://builds.haxe.org/)

module status comment
assert done
Buffer done
child_processes done
cluster done
console done
crypto done
dns done
domain done
events done
fs done
Globals done
http done
https done
net done
os done
path done
process done
punycode done
querystring done
readline done
repl done
smalloc done
stream done
string_decoder done
tls wip
tty done
dgram done
url done
util done
vm done
zlib done