
Battleship scala in kata

Primary LanguageScala

Continuous Integration

Battleship Game

Battleship CodeKata 🚢💥

Welcome! Your assignment is to create a simple program that emulates the classic game Battleship.

Just in case you've never played this game before (shame on you!) let's go through the rules quickly.

Rules of the Game 📜

  • Two players play the game, each taking turns
  • Players have five ships:
    • an Aircraft Carrier
    • a Battleship
    • a Submarine
    • a Cruiser
    • a Destroyer
  • Players have a grid or "ocean" where they arrange their ships
    • The grid is 10 x 10
    • The X-axis runs from A to J
    • The Y-axis goes from 1 to 10
    • Any square in the grid can be identified by combining these, for example B-3 is the square second from the left and third from the top
  • After arranging the ships, they cannot be moved
  • Ships occupy space on the grid, specific to the type of ship:
    • the Aircraft Carrier takes 5 squares
    • the Battleship takes 4 squares
    • the Submarine takes 3 squares
    • the Cruiser takes 3 squares
    • the Destroyer takes 2 squares
  • A ship can only be positioned vertically or horizontally on the grid
  • A ship cannot overlap other ships, or be placed outside of the grid
  • Each round, each player takes a shot, announcing which square on the opponent's grid got hit
  • The opposing player announces whether the shot hit or missed any of his ships
  • When all squares of a ship are hit, the player announces it was sunk, including which ship it was
  • The first player to sink all of his opponent's ships wins
  • If both players eliminate all the opponent's ships in the same round, the game ends in a draw

Battleship Game Board

Still want more info on the game? Check out this step-by-step guide.

Hints 💡

  • How will you model the Grid? Does it need to be multidimensional?
  • Can you make the language enforce correct (programmatic) inputs into the core domain?
  • In what way can you leverage datastructures to your advantage?

Bonus Challenges 🥵

  • Implement the entire core domain immutably
  • Also tell the players which squares they already hit on the opponent's grid
  • Allow players to automatically place their ships randomly on their grid
  • Implement a bot to allow single-player mode
    • Start off simple, let the bot shoot random squares
    • Let the bot only shoot squares he has not hit yet
    • ...
  • Implement spectator mode where two bots duke it out

Additional Notes 📝

You can implement the game as simple, or hard as you want to! From running the game with a test suite to text-based to a graphical interface. Go nuts!

Focus on learning, not on the results. Above all: have fun!

Contribute 🙋

Have ideas to make this Kata better? Maybe you found a typo, or grammar issue? Or how about a new idea that can make the Kata more interesting? Let me know!