Valuation of Callable Bonds with short rate Hull-White model using: binomial trees, PDE with Green functions etc.
- CallableBond.xlsx Citi callable bond data and pricing in NumeriX
- CallableBond_HullWhite.ipynb pricing of the same bond in QuantLib employing a Binomial Tree
- Interest Rate Models.pdf elementary introduction to binomial tree pricing for callables
- lognormal_normal_volatility.pdf papaer by G. Dimitroff, C. Fries, M. Lichtner and N. Rodi on the relationship between Normal (Bachelier) and LogNormal volatility used in the Notebook as a good approximation
- treecallablebondengine.hpp/cpp QuantLib code to price the fixed callable off the tree
- useful for general characteristic of callables (price compression) as well as another tutorial on pricing off a binomial tree
- discretizedcallablefixedratebond.hpp/cpp QuantLib code to price the fixed callable off the tree