Each talk has a corresponding markdown file, stored in a folder representing the planned sessions. You can find your talk and session in the table below. Click on the talk slug in the Talk column to view the markdown file for your talk.
To make changes to your talk information, please submit a pull request. The easiest way to do this is to edit the file directly on GitHub. (If you're comfortable with git and GitHub, you're welcome to create a pull request that way as well.)
Talk Metadata
Each markdown file contains a YAML header block which describes the talk. We've filled everything in with the information we have now, but there are a few fields you may wish to edit as you revise your talk. The part of the YAML that you are intended to edit is very clearly marked.
# The title of your talktalk_title: Introducing Rhino: Shiny application framework for enterprise# A short version of the title, suitable for small displaystalk_title_short: Introducing Rhino# A link to your talk's materials, when readytalk_materials_url: ~
talk_title should include the full title for your talk.
talk_title_short is a shorter version of the full title, appropriate for listing pages or for printing in places where the full title would be too long.
talk_materials_url: once you've prepared your talk, if you choose to publish your slides or other materials online, you may provide a link here to those materials.
You'll notice that some fields may contain ~. This is an explicit indication that the field is missing and you may choose to fill in the field with an appropriate value.
Speaker Information
The speakers and their information are also listed in the YAML header of each talk. Please edit these fields as needed.
Here is an example speaker entry. The bio field may contain simple markdown. The URLs are all optional and should be a full link to the speaker's personal webpage, twitter, github or linkedin profile, or the speaker's affiliation webpage.
- name: Jacqui Ofalltradesaffiliation: DataCobio: |+ A one-paragraph biographical sketch of the speaker. This text may include basic markdown: links, code style, bold, italics.photo: /assets/img/2022Conf/_talks/22080_jacqui-ofalltrades.jpgurl:
webpage: https://jacquiofalltrades.comtwitter: https://twitter.com/jacquiofalltradesgithub: https://github.com/jacquiofalltradeslinkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacqui-ofalltrades/affiliation: https://dataco.com
If you have a co-speaker, please ensure that the first speaker listed is the one presenting the material, either in person or via video.
Note that the talk order and schedule may change prior to the conference.