
A comprehensive docker image to run Apache-2.4 PHP-7.2, 8.0 applications like Wordpress, etc

Primary LanguageDockerfile


DIY AWS Lambda for PHP applications!

Architecture Overview

  • Run multiple EC2 instances across different availability zones to create a redundant docker swarm.
  • Cloudwatch alarms must be used to restart failed EC2 instances.
  • All EC2 instances must join the docker swarm and mount a common EFS volume on /srv.
  • Docker container will mount /srv/example.com/www as the Apache DocumentRoot to serve php applications.
  • RDS must be used for hosting databases.
  • When this image is run as a docker service in the swarm, a unique port on the host (eg tcp:8001) is mapped to 80 within the container.
  • AWS Target Group example-com is created with all the EC2 instances of the swarm and specific TCP port (eg tcp:8001) and attached to ALB.
  • Docker mesh routing is not cookie/sticky session aware and disabled. HTTP load balancing is fully managed on AWS ALB.
  • AWS ALB rules are used to route example.com and www.example.com requests to example-com Target Group.
  • AWS ALB is also used for HTTPS termination, docker containers provide only vanilla HTTP.
  • Outbound emails must be routed via SES (Drupal SMTP module, WP SMTP plugin, etc).
  • Apache logs are sent to stdout/stderr and can be routed to AWS Cloudwatch using the docker awslogs log driver.

Filesystem Layout

  • /srv -- base dir to be published via AWS EFS to all nodes, subdirectories /srv/example.com, /srv/example.net, etc to be created for each website/domain.
  • /srv/example.com/www -- root folder for php applications (WordPress root, Drupal root, etc), mounted within docker containers as Apache DocumentRoot
  • /srv/example.com/etc/apache and /srv/example.com/etc/php -- optional apache/php config
  • /srv/example.com/mysqlbackup -- used for storing MySQL dumps

Small But Significant Things

  • Apache MPM prefork is configured to reduce RAM usage, a WordPress 5.x container will idle around 50-75MB of RAM.
  • WordPress W3TC plugin cache folder is in $WP_ROOT/wp-content/cache. EFS is slow, so it's recommended to move the cache folder inside the docker container. Delete the cache folder and run ln -s /srv/example.com/www/wp-content/cache /tmp. Cache folder will be hosted within docker instance and run faster.
  • PHP POST max and max file upload size is increased to 64MB to handle large file uploads.
  • EFS is slow, to improve performance php opcache revalidation time is increased from default 2 seconds to 300 seconds.
  • apache process runs as www-data. Inside the docker instance, none of the processes are run as root. setcap is used to permit non-root apache process to bind to TCP port 80.
  • Apache config is aware of SSL termination on AWS ALB or CloudFlare Flexible SSL settings. WordPress site URL can be set to https://www.example.com and SSL termination can be done on AWS ALB or CloudFlare and WordPress will not throw infinite HTTP redirection errors.
  • To view the default Apache and PHP config, run the docker image without mapping an external DocumentRoot and access the container via http://localhost:8001/index.php (returns phpinfo) and http://localhost:8001/.config (contains /etc/apache and /etc/php tar files). This can be used for further customization.
  • To use custom Apache config, extract the base apache config in /svr/example.com/etc and then bind mount it inside the container. Eg. docker run -v /srv/example.com/etc/php:/etc/php:ro -v /srv/example.com/etc/apache:/etc/apache:ro ...
  • WordPress updates can be handled outside the docker environment via WP-CLI. From an independent EC2 instance, 1) apt install all Apache/PHP WordPress dependencies, 2) mount EFS /srv volume, 3) run cd /srv/example.com/www && wp-cli plugin update --all.


To build:

docker build --no-cache -t rsubr/php-apache-alpine:latest .


Example 1: Basic usage

Run with internal document root to reveal Apache/PHP config. See http://localhost/index.php and http://localhost/.config/

docker run --name=test -p 80:80 rsubr/php-apache-alpine:latest

Example 2: Testing WordPress

Run a WordPress site from /srv/example.com/www

docker run --name=example-com -v /srv/example.com/www:/var/www/html -p 80:80 rsubr/php-apache-alpine:latest

Example 3: Running as a docker service in a docker swarm

Run 2 replicas of the container as a docker service. This command must be run from a docker swarm manager node. AWS ALB and Target Group must be created to route traffic for example.com to this container:

docker service create --replicas 2 --name example-com --publish published=8000,target=80,mode=host --mount type=bind,source=/srv/example.com/www,destination=/var/www/html rsubr/php-apache-alpine:latest


  • Instead of AWS ECS, this setup uses portainer.io or other docker swarm manager.
  • Autoscaling is not possible with current architecture, needs ECS.
  • Improve documentation.
  • Documentation for EFS issues and workaround using syncthing.