

./orderBook <valid_input_filename>


a) g++ 5.0 and above => Compiled and tested using C++14 std b) google test framework => Unit testing purpose


Compilation of source code: Step 0: cd OrderBook/ Step 1: 'make clean' -> To clear any residual/old obj/bin files Step 2: 'make' -> Compiles the source code and links all obj to get the binary file 'orderBook'

Compilation of unit test code: Step 0.a: Compile the source code (refer above steps) Step 0.b: cd OrderBook/test/ Step 2: 'make clean' -> To clear any residual/old obj/bin files Step 3: 'make' -> Compiles the test source code and links all obj to get the binary file 'testAll'

NOTE: 'OrderBook/test/resources' directory contains the input files for unit/integration testing purpose