
Example usage of saml-proxy

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Example usage of saml-proxy


docker-compose up

It will start three containers: nginx, saml-proxy and app.

nginx will force all requests coming in to go through saml-proxy first, for authentication.

saml-proxy will facilitate SSO authentication and map SSO response attributes to http headers, which will then be forwarded by nginx to app.

app simply displays the forwarded headers in its greetings.


The IdP in this example is https://samltest.id/

You can test the flow by going to http://localhost/


In case the IdP no longer recognizes this SP, you will need to refresh sp-metadata. Options:

If you'd like to try with your own IdP/SP, I find https://www.samltool.com to be a quite helpful for generating IdP/SP metadata