
This is a port of the Sailfish Firmware for RAMP1.3 Hardware on a Mendel

Primary LanguageC++


This is a port of the Sailfish Firmware Authored by Dan Newman and Jetty(https://github.com/jetty840) for use on RAMPS hardware on a Mendel with the following configuration:

20x4 LCD Display connected in 4 bit mode as follows:

LCD_RS_PIN		Pin(PortK,1) => Digital Pin #63  
LCD_RW_PIN		Pin(PortL,7) => Digital Pin #42  
LCD_ENABLE_PIN  	Pin(PortK,3) => Digital Pin #65  
LCD_D0_PIN		Pin(PortF,5) => Digital Pin #59  
LCD_D1_PIN		Pin(PortK,2) => Digital Pin #64  
LCD_D2_PIN		Pin(PortL,5) => Digital Pin #44  
LCD_D3_PIN		Pin(PortK,4) => Digital Pin #66  

16 Button Keypad Connected as follows:
INTERFACE_ROW1    	Pin(PortA,1) => Digital Pin #23  
INTERFACE_ROW2    	Pin(PortA,3) => Digital Pin #25  
INTERFACE_ROW3    	Pin(PortA,5) => Digital Pin #27  
INTERFACE_ROW4		Pin(PortA,7) => Digital Pin #29  
INTERFACE_COL1		Pin(PortC,0) => Digital Pin #37  
INTERFACE_COL2		Pin(PortC,2) => Digital Pin #35  
INTERFACE_COL3		Pin(PortC,4) => Digital Pin #33  
INTERFACE_COL4		Pin(PortC,6) => Digital Pin #31  

SDRAMPS Module Connected to AUX-3:
Chip Select=D53  
Card Detect=D49  

Extruder which uses a Thermistor:

Extruder Power               Pin(PortB,4) => Digital Pin #10  
Extruder Fan                 Pin(PortH,6) => Digital Pin #9  
Extruder Thermistor          13 => PortK,5..(Analog Pin 13)  

Heated Build Platform using a Thermistor
Heated Build Platform Heat               Pin(PortH,5) => Digital Pin #8  
Heated build Platform Thermistor         14 => PortK,6...(Analog Pin 14)  

Stepper Configuration:
X Axis:  
  Endstop at Maximum  
  1/16th stepping  
  No Digital Pots  

Y Axis  
  Endstop at Minimum  
  1/16 step mode  
  No Digital Pots  

Z Axis  
  Endstop at Maximum  
  Full step mode  
  No Digital Pots   

  Wades Extruder with Makergear Groove Mount Heater  
  1/16 step mode  
  No Digital Pots  


	This software was ported from the Sailfish Firmware Authored By by Dan Newman and Jetty(https://github.com/jetty840).
	Only components necessary to get it to function on a RAMPS1.3 Board on a Mendel have been changed.