Mark Hotspot visits using input stream

Problem Statement: We have a stream of incoming data with location details (x & y coordinates). We are also given a list of hotspot locations. It can be assumed that the hotspot location has been visited if any of the raw data points is within 5-unit radius from hotspot location.

To know more about the project click here.


To run this project follow this steps:

  • Ensure raw_data and hotpot_data files are present in the correct format under the files directory
  • Clone the project in your local machine
  • Install pipenv on your machine by running pip install pipenv if not already present
  • Inside the project's root directory, Run pipenv shell
  • Once you have a pipenv shell, Run pipenv install to automatically install all the required dependencies.
  • That's it now you can run python to process your input data

Tech Stack

  • Python 3.9
  • pipenv
  • pandas


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