
Terraform scripts to provision openam, opendj and haproxy on AWS using docker images

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform scripts to provision openam, opendj and haproxy docker images to AWS

Docker images:


Base image is CoreOS t2.micro

  1. Install Terraform - https://www.terraform.io/
  2. Update variables.tf with the information about your private AWS key
  3. Update variables.tf with your public IP
  4. Copy the private key to this folder and change the permissions on the file. Example chmod 400 mykey.pem
  5. Run: terraform apply
  6. After provision is complete you should be able to see the public IP address of the haproxy
  7. Add this IP to your hosts file. Example openam.example.com
  8. Type http://openam.example.com/openam to go to openam admin console

To ssh into a box use: ssh -i "mykey.pem" core@PUBLIC_IP_OF_THE_BOX

To get access to a docker image use: docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME bash

To clear everythig run: terraform destroy --force