
Stupid guff to look at ECS ServiceConnect

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ECS Service Connect

Exploring the ECS Service Connect service, the goal isn't to build anything self-describing such as inter-connected microservices that can all find each other (that's for future me to do), rather, this was to explore what happens to traffic when there is no load balancer between the API Gateway and the ECS Service, only using the VPCLink feature of API Gateway to discover the targets.


Build the docker image, push to ECR, create an API Gateway with at least a route for /hostname

Diagram... must have a diagram

Architecture & Services

Build and push to ECR

aws ecr get-login-password --region ${AWS_REGION} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${ACCOUNTID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}.amazonaws.com
docker build -t ${ACCOUNTID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}.amazonaws.com/${REPO}:${VERSION} .
docker run -p 8080:8080 ${ACCOUNTID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}.amazonaws.com/${REPO}:${VERSION}
docker push ${ACCOUNTID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}.amazonaws.com/${REPO}:${VERSION}

ECS Service Connect Itself

Easy to setup, easy to use, nice monitoring, it's free other than their stated provision of .25vCPU and a splash of memory - the task definition for this whole thing was 0.25vCPU with 0.5GB, CloudWatch Insights shows a peak memory usage (for this trivial thing, but both containers in the Task) of 13.8%.

Some possibly interesting links:


So to have a quick think about the goal, I ran this with a desired of three tasks, no load balancer hitting the /hostname endpoint for a short while:

$ cat serviceconnect-hosts.txt | sort | uniq -c
1183 ip-10-0-218-147.eu-west-2.compute.internal
1115 ip-10-0-221-6.eu-west-2.compute.internal
1253 ip-10-0-66-78.eu-west-2.compute.internal

A mean average of 1183 means the intention was that load was evenly distributed, the second two hosts had a 5% skew, but mayhaps, running this for longer than a few minutes would have smoothed that out? Regardless, I'm happy this is broadly distributing load. I did another run where I manually stopped a task and again, which ECS detected and brought back online, I had no (that I could see?) errors on the client side, and again, an average across hosts that is in line with the round-robin type distribution 👌


Costs may well be cheaper for this for data heavy client request/responses (especially responses given the AWS data egress charge).

More proper cost evaluation might be good?

ECS Service Health Check

apk add curl meant I could then do something from inside the container like:

CMD-SHELL, curl --silent http://localhost:8080/ready && exit 0 || exit 1

which worked a charm, I'm sure something like nc or another simple approach based on whatever utilities are in the Alpine distro would work too 🖖


I was an idiot and didn't twig initially about the VPC Interface Endpoints for ECR..