
Azure Functions reusable Contact Form Function

Primary LanguageC#


Azure Functions reusable Contact Form Function App

I built this because I have multiple sites I manage with contact forms.

Since a contact form is such a basic component of all websites I figured this would be a perfect use case for my first serverless function.

I wanted to be able to use a common sender email address for all my contact forms that utilized a reply to for the user sending the email.

I didn't want to have to verify multiple sender emails. I'm using Amazon SES, but you can use anything that supports SMTP.

How to Use

POST the following JSON to the Azure Function's endpoint:

  "fromDomain": "domain1.com",
  "name": "Sender's Name",
  "email": "sendersemail@theirdomain.com",
  "subject": "Email Subject",
  "message": "A great message."

FromDomain will match up with the ValidDomains environment variable.

Email will end up being a reply-to address.

Environment variables required

  • EmailHost - email server's hostname
  • EmailPort - email server's port
  • SmtpUsername - smtp username
  • SmtpPassword - smtp password
  • FromEmail - your verified sender email address (ex: mail@mycontactform.com)
  • FromName - whatever you want the from name to be (ex: Contact Form)
  • SubjectPrefix - email's subject prefix if you want one (ex: "[mysite.com] -" )
  • ValidDomains - a list of valid domains with email addresses. format: domain1.com|recipient@domain1.com;domain2.com|recipient@domain2.com

Final Email Example

From: Contact Form <mail@mycontactform.com>
To: robert@rswilley.com
Reply-To: sendersemail@theirdomain.com
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 10:31:00 +0000
Subject: [mysite.com] - Email Subject

<p>A great message.</p>