The game is an endless loop that does the following
Given a 2-4 letter prefix that has words in the provided wordlist, try to finish those words. Words you get are displayed above the prompt. 3 bad guesses and some words you could have used are given and a letter is knocked off. If there is only one letter left go to the top of the loop (pick a new prefix, clear the correct guesses list)
If you're on a system that supports Make you can use the included Makefile
cd build
./spelling_game ../ospd.txt
If you want to regenerate the Makefile or another build system you can use either premake4 or premake5
premake5 gmake
cd build
./spelling_game ../words_alpha.txt
There are 4 different word lists included in the repo, ospd.txt (the official scrabble player's dictionary) is the smallest and strictest. dictionary.txt and enable1.txt are much larger and almost the same; I can't remember what/how I removed things from the former to create the latter. words_alpha.txt is twice the size of dictionary.txt and includes things like proper names so it's particularly easy to play.