
Components to be installed on a Kubernetes cluster for local DevOps development

Local Kubernetes Development Plattform


  • k3s Kubernetes cluster
    • Custom resource definition HelmChart is used.


  • Git registry
  • Container image registry
  • NGINX ingress controller
  • Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Startpage (http://localhost)

Quick start

Apply all manifest files

kubectl apply -k ./kustomize

Add git repository

kubectl exec git-0 -- git-init my-repo-1
git clone http://git.localhost/my-repo-1

Push image to registry

docker pull hello-world
docker tag hello-world registry.localhost/hello-world
docker push registry.localhost/hello-world

Cluster configuration

Add the following configuration into your k3s cluster to be able to use the deployed container image registry inside the Kubernetes cluster.

    - http://registry.default.svc


Ad the following to colima configuration to set the container image registry automatically on cluster creation.

  - mode: system
    script: |
      mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s
      cat <<'EOF' > /etc/rancher/k3s/registry.yaml
          - http://registry.default.svc

Flux deployment


kubectl exec git-0 -- git-init k8s-localdev
git remote add local http://git.localhost/k8s-localdev.git
git push local main
kubectl apply -k flux/flux-system


Prepare the local repository

kubectl exec git-0 -- git-init k8s-localdev
git remote add local http://git.localhost/k8s-localdev.git
git push local main

Install Flux CLI in a explicit version

curl -s https://fluxcd.io/install.sh | FLUX_VERSION=0.41.2 bash -s -- ~/.local/bin

Flux needs a password, create a dummy.

kubectl create namespace flux-system

flux create secret git flux-system \
  --namespace flux-system \
  --url http://git.default.svc/k8s-localdev.git \
  --username _ \
  --password _

Do the bootstrap

flux bootstrap git --url http://git.localhost/k8s-localdev.git --path flux --allow-insecure-http

Theoretically the password is not needed anymore, because of the patch during the first initial setup. Therefore lets keep it clean and delete the password.

kubectl --namespace flux-system delete secret flux-system

Initial setup

To be able to install flux from a local git repository through http and no authentication, the following steps were done initially. This is not needed anymore, just bootstrap from this repository.

  1. Prepare bootstrap – create a dummy password

    kubectl create namespace flux-system
    flux create secret git flux-system \
      --namespace flux-system \
      --url http://git.default.svc/k8s-localdev.git \
      --username _ \
      --password _
  2. Flux bootstrap

    flux bootstrap git \
    --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
    --url=http://git.localhost/k8s-localdev.git \
    --allow-insecure-http=true \
  3. Patch failed bootstrap (kustomization.yaml)

    • force http repository
    • remove secret ref
  4. Bootstrap again like step 2