
A Fivem Script

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Continued Documentation


Discontinued Documentation

Version 1.0 This is basically just a script I threw together for my server with a bunch of useful walking styles, animations, and features.

One of the features is if a player is at 50% or less health that they then are set to the walking style limping automatically and will continue to walk like that until they are not under 50% health.

Note For the lockpicking feature to work, you must have this script installed properly as well ---> https://forum.fivem.net/t/dev-resource-mythic-progress-bar/527607

All of the features in this script can be toggled on/off via the config section within the client.lua file.


--- Config ---

-- Locks for vehicles
enableLockpick = true
enableLock = true
enableUnlock = true
lockpickingCarStr = "Breaking into car"
lockpickingCopCarStr = "Breaking into cop car"
lockpickingCarTime = 10 -- Seconds
lockpickingCopCarTime = 40 -- Seconds
copCars = {

-- Misc
enableHealthInjured = true

-- Walk Styles
enableDrunk = true
enableHiking = true
enableInjured = true
enableMuscleWalk = true

Features /drunk - Toggles your ped's walking style between drunk and sober.

/injured - Toggles your ped's walking style between limping and regular.

/hiking - Toggles your ped's walking style between hiking and regular.

/musclewalk - Toggles your ped's walking style between musclewalk and regular.

/lock - Locks the vehicle you are sitting in.

/unlock - Unlocks the vehicle you had previously locked with /lock.

/lockpick - Breaks into the closest vehicle to you.


Hiking: https://i.gyazo.com/b767489678f953b5f099e731d40dbc07.gif

MuscleWalk: https://i.gyazo.com/5082d61bd58a3832c9230c0bde2dcd8c.gif

Drunk: https://i.gyazo.com/bdea07bffeda38ef29df5d51a6b5179f.gif

Injured: https://i.gyazo.com/8371b3fe54928dd3e6edebf25343ef9d.gif

Lockpicking: https://i.gyazo.com/63ff9b93b136bfb86a8aca4be0cbe612.gif

Download BadgerAnims


  1. Download BadgerAnims
  2. Extract the .zip and place the folder in your /resources/ of your Fivem server
  3. Make sure you add "start BadgerAnims" in your server.cfg
  4. Enjoy :slight_smile:

My Other Work







