
record daily learning

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record daily learning





  • C++
    • Effective C++
    • More Effective C++
    • Effective Modern C++
    • Inside the Cpp Object Model
    • Modern C++ Design - 2001
    • C++ Template Metaprogramming - 2004
    • Discovering Modern C++ - 2015
    • Optimized-C++ - 2016
    • C++ Templates_ The Complete Guide-Addison-Wesley (2017)
    • Mastering the C++17 STL
    • Cpp Concurrency in Action
    • 《Linux多线程服务端编程:使用muduo C++网络库》(陈硕)
  • Rust
    • TRPL
    • 深入浅出Rust
    • Rust Cookbook-Packt Publishing (2017)
    • Hands Functional Programming Rust
    • Network Programming with Rust (2018)
    • Hands-On Concurrency with Rust (2018)
  • Python
    • Effective Python
    • Fluent Python
    • Python Cookbook
  • Linux
    • Linux内核设计与实现(Linux.Kernel.Development) - v2.6.34
    • Linux内核完全注释(内核0.11)
    • Linux内核源代码情景分析
    • Unix内核源码剖析.[日]青柳隆宏
    • The Art of Unix Programming
    • 深入Linux内核架构 中文版 - v2.6.24
    • 深入理解linux内核(中文第三版)- v2.6.11
  • OS
    • Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces
  • FP
    • Types and Programming Languages
    • The Little Typer
    • Lisp
      • 0
    • Haskell
      • Haskell趣学指南
      • Real World Haskell
      • Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell
      • Thinking Functionally with Haskell
  • DB
    • Database System Implementations(数据库系统实现)(是 Database Systems: The Complete Book 的后半部分)
    • Database Management Systems(数据库管理系统)
    • Fundamentals of Database Systems
    • SQLite Database System Design and Implementation
    • Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques(事务处理:概念与技术)
    • Datebase System Concepts(数据库系统概念)
    • Database Systems: The Complete Book(数据库全书)
    • Expert Oracle Database Architecture(Oracle编程艺术 深入理解数据库体系结构)
  • Distributed System
    • Designing Data-Intensive Applications
    • Designing Distributed Systems
    • Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms
    • I Heart Logs Event Data, Stream Processing, and Data Integration
    • Streaming Systems - Tyler Akidau
    • Distributed Computing - Principles, Algorithm, and Systems
    • 大规模分布式存储系统:原理解析与架构实战 - 杨传辉
  • Other
    • Concepts Techniques and Models of computer programming
    • Readings in Database Systems 5th Edition