Pinned Repositories
CIS 3750 group application gathering requirements, creating prototypes, creating user stories, developing the application, and presenting a demo to demonstrate our progress. The digital sign application is meant to provide a management interface for administrators to create and update content on campus signs (televisions around campus)
Assembly programs for M68000 ranging from simple IF statements, LOOPS, and recursive functions with use of activation records
Created algorithm to convert a set of data, with last column as classification, into a decision tree and makes predictions on test data
An earlier development of project organization, but in C. Project Organization is meant to be a bare-bones note-taking application. When run there functions that convert all the notes into an AVL tree and commands to search through the tree for keywords. This allows you to find any mention of a word, or topic, and see all paragraphs that it exists in
Project Organization is meant to be a bare-bones note-taking application. When run there functions that convert all the notes into an AVL tree and commands to search through the tree for keywords. This allows you to find any mention of a word, or topic, and see all paragraphs that it exists in
Using react components I created a simple app to view PDF files
Program meant to simulate our solar system with circular orbits initially and allows you to add in objects and see how it affects the system (moons, planets, suns). Predicts object trajectory as well
rsymingt's Repositories
Program meant to simulate our solar system with circular orbits initially and allows you to add in objects and see how it affects the system (moons, planets, suns). Predicts object trajectory as well
CIS 3750 group application gathering requirements, creating prototypes, creating user stories, developing the application, and presenting a demo to demonstrate our progress. The digital sign application is meant to provide a management interface for administrators to create and update content on campus signs (televisions around campus)
Assembly programs for M68000 ranging from simple IF statements, LOOPS, and recursive functions with use of activation records
Created algorithm to convert a set of data, with last column as classification, into a decision tree and makes predictions on test data
An earlier development of project organization, but in C. Project Organization is meant to be a bare-bones note-taking application. When run there functions that convert all the notes into an AVL tree and commands to search through the tree for keywords. This allows you to find any mention of a word, or topic, and see all paragraphs that it exists in
Project Organization is meant to be a bare-bones note-taking application. When run there functions that convert all the notes into an AVL tree and commands to search through the tree for keywords. This allows you to find any mention of a word, or topic, and see all paragraphs that it exists in
Using react components I created a simple app to view PDF files
Simple React JS tutorial to create a web tic tac toe game
Robot Code for FRC Robotics Competition. Using a motor encoder system I developed a PID to regulate and equalize the speed of all four motors on the robot. Autonomous functions were added to run in sequence allowing you to turn 90 degrees and drive a number of inches forward or backward
simple scripts to add and remove GitHub repositories, create template files for multiple languages, and navigate to folds quickly
Analyzes signal files using STFT and FTs
Using the number of cores available, the program creates a randomized array of given size and sorts the array by dividing the problem among the threads
Simple Android Studio tutorial to pull and display data from a weather API
Website to display my experience, skills, and projects. Built using JavaScript, ReactJS, Bootstrap, and CSS