
Set of playbooks to configure additional services in Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Primary LanguagePython

Two playbooks (and one configuration file) to rule them all ;-)


This playbook deploys and configures undercloud node. Please check config.yaml.example file for available configuration options . If you want to install Ansible and upload these playbooks to the undercloud node automagically, please set goAnsible run variable to true. If you run fully virtual environment, bootif-fix may be needed. Please set bootifFix run variable to true to enable it.


ansible-playbook -i inventory/undercloud deploy-undercloud.yaml -e "goAnsible=true bootifFix=true"


This playbook configures additional services on the overcloud nodes. By default it doesn't register overcloud nodes with RHN. Therefore services which need extra packages installed won't work:

  1. FWaaS requires
  • openstack-neutron-fwaas
  • python-neutron-fwaas

Currently the following services can be configured with configure-overcloud.yaml playbook:

  1. LBaaSv1 Needs lbaasv1 run variable set to true.

  2. FWaaS Needs fwaas run variable set to true.


ansible-playbook -i inventory/openstack.py configure-overcloud.yaml -e "rhnreg=true lbaasv1=true fwaas=true"