###Related: flixel | flixel-addons | flixel-demos | flixel-ui
Command line tools for HaxeFlixel to create samples, templates and more.
###Warning: This tool is still in active development. Feedback and ideas are welcome. Commands are subject to change until a stable version is released.
You need to make sure you have git installed, git.
Please make sure you are also running the latest version of haxelib you can make sure with the command:
haxelib selfupdate
####Run the following set of commands to install the tools:
To clone this repo to your haxelib directory:
haxelib git flixel-tools https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel-tools.git
To set the tools up initially / to be able to use the flixel
alias in your console:
haxelib run flixel-tools setup
To clone the flixel-demos repo (for demo creation):
flixel download
Create a new demo (in the current directory):
flixel create <name_or_number>
If no name or number is given it will list all demos and prompt you for a choice, by number or name.
To create a new default game template use the following, with -n option being the name you want:
flixel template -n <name>
- Currently the templates created are only compatible with the latest dev branch of flixel. For flixel 2.x use the command:
haxelib run flixel new -name <name>